Tuesday, January 3, 2017

EP 43 - Dusty Makes A Promise


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Brett Hellman


At Memorial Hospital, in the waiting room, Johnny is sitting down. Dusty is pacing around. Johnny, having enough of the pacing, goes to Dusty.

JOHNNY: Dad, why don’t you go to the cafeteria?

DUSTY: Son, you know why I can’t do that. Your mother is very ill. I have to be here. I have to watch over her.

JOHNNY: Dad, come on. Do this for me. Eat something. You’ve been by mom’s side for a long time. She would want you to eat something.

DUSTY: Son, there are a lot of people that got sick, last night. We still don’t know what they were all affected by.

Then, a doctor walks into the room.

DOCTOR: Actually, we do what is wrong with everyone.

DUSTY: Well, what’s wrong with my wife? What’s wrong with everyone? Why did we all get sick, last night?

DOCTOR: Everyone got sick last night, because the food that was digested contained extreme amounts of poison.

As the Doctor says this, Tom enters.

TOM: Did he just say the everyone was poisoned?

At Katie’s New Apartment, Katie is curled up on the couch. It is made apparent that she has been crying for quite sometime. There is a knock at the door.

KATIE: Go away!

HENRY: Katie! It’s me! Open the door, honey.

Katie, realizing it is Henry, rushes to the door. Upon opening the door, Katie gives Henry a big hug.

KATIE: Thank you for coming.

HENRY: Of course. Everything is okay. I’m here, now.

At the Snyder Farm, Jack and Carly enter.

JACK: Easy now.

Jack and Carly go to the couch. They sit down.

CARLY: Thank you for helping me in.

JACK: Yeah. No problem.

CARLY: Where are the kids?

JACK: I sent them away. I didn’t want them hovering.

CARLY: Thank you.

JACK: Everyone was worried about you.

CARLY: Yeah. Everyone except Rosanna.

JACK: What do you mean by that?

CARLY: (sighs) I got a call before we left the hospital.

JACK: And…?

CARLY: And, Rosanna is continuing with the lawsuit.

Back at Memorial Hospital, Kim, Bob, and Susan walk down a hallway. Susan is walking with a cane.

SUSAN: I’m glad that you told Bob everything.

KIM: Well, my life could be turn upside down, very soon. I didn’t want to keep that from my husband.

BOB: I’m glad that I’m in the loop.

SUSAN: Now, Ed did have to go back to Springfield. However, he left me his notes. I reviewed them. I picked out what you needed to hear. Now, there is one more thing you need to know.

KIM: What?

SUSAN: After today, I will no longer be your doctor.

BOB: What do you mean?

KIM: Is everything okay?

SUSAN: I’ll explain later. You should just know that I have this cane for a reason. Anyway, the new chief will become your doctor.

BOB: Who’s the new chief.

Bob, Susan, and Kim step into Susan’s office.

SUSAN: Bob. Kim. Meet Rita Davenport.

RITA: Bob. Kim. It is wonderful to see you again.

Back at Katie’s Apartment, Katie and Henry are sitting on the couch.

HENRY: How many times have you listened to the message?

KATIE: When I play it for you, it will be number 17.

HENRY: Well, let’s hear number 17.

Katie presses PLAY on her answering machine.

WOMAN: (voice over) One message. Message received, December 31st, 2016. (beeping noise)

JULIAN: (voice over) Hey, Katie. This is Julian. Listen, I know that you probably don’t wanna hear from me, but there are a few things I need to say to you. You were right, I have lied to you. My lies began right when I came to town. I should start by saying that I was the one who made the church explode, during John and Lucinda’s wedding. Tonight, here at the New Year’s Eve party, I have poisoned everyone. Why have I done this, you might ask? I did it all for revenge. Lucinda’s digging paid off. She discovered that before 2004, I never existed. She was right. My real name isn’t Julian Beck. It is Julian Stenbeck. I am James’ and Lars’ third brother. I was adopted by James’ and Lars’ mother before she passed. I spent three years with her. My brothers were the run who truly raised me. Listen, I better not say anymore. I have to leave town. You probably won’t see me ever again. Goodbye, Katie.

HENRY: Oh my god. Did he say…?

KATIE: Yeah, he did. This is your Uncle Julian.

HENRY: Katie, what are you going to do with this message?

KATIE: Honestly, I don’t know.

HENRY: What do you mean you don’t know?

KATIE: Truthfully, I’ve thought about deleting the message.

Back at the Snyder Farm, Carly takes a sip of coffee.

CARLY: Thanks for making me some coffee.

JACK: Yeah. No problem. Listen, I think Rosanna will stop this revenge plot.

CARLY: (sighs) I hope so. There are 365 days. I will use all those days to apologize to her. I think I know just the right way to do so.

JACK: Oh. Did you have some time alone with your thoughts in that coma? Did you come to a solution?

CARLY: I guess you can say that. I had this dream. This dream that helped me figure things out. This dream that helped me realize some stuff.

JACK: Well, that’s good.

CARLY: It is. Now, onto us.

JACK: What about us.

CARLY: While I was coming out of my coma, I was still a little groggy. However, I did manage to hear some stuff that you said.

JACK: Oh yeah. What did you hear?

CARLY: I heard you call me your love. I also felt you kiss my hands. Tell me Jack, what was that all about? Do you want to get back together with me? Do you still have feelings for me, Jack?

Back at Memorial Hospital, in what is now Rita’s Office, Rita takes her reading glasses off and sets Kim’s chart down on her desk.

SUSAN: All of you know one another?

RITA: Yes.

BOB: Rita here is an old friend of mine.

KIM: We had her over for dinner a couple nights ago.

SUSAN: That’s nice.

KIM: I’m happy you are my doctor.

RITA: I’m happy you are my patient.

SUSAN: Unfortunately, we now have to move on to more serious matters. Matters I wish we didn’t have to go to.

KIM: I understand that we have to go to more serious matters. Go ahead. Tell me what I have been diagnosed with.

SUSAN: Kim, I’m so very sorry. You have cancer.

KIM: (sobs) Oh god.

BOB: What kind?

RITA: In non-doctor terms, it is bone cancer.

KIM: (sobbing) What stage?

BOB: Honey…

KIM: What stage?!

SUSAN: Four.

Kim let’s out a deep breath. She goes to sit down on the couch.

BOB: Do you want some water?

KIM: No. No I don’t. I just want to know one more thing.

RITA: Go ahead. Ask your question.

KIM: What are my chances of surviving? Please, don’t gloss over this. Just tell me the truth. Don’t hold back.

SUSAN: Kim, your chances of surviving are very low.

Back in the Waiting Room, at the hospital, Tom walks next to Dusty.

DOCTOR: Yes. Everyone was poisoned. That is all I can say for now. I have to go and do some test to indicate the levels in each patient.

DUSTY: Understood. Thanks Doc.

The Doctor nods and walks off.

DUSTY: Johnny, go get some last minute breakfast as Java Underground. Tom and I need to talk.

JOHNNY: Are you sure dad?


Dusty hands some money to Johnny. Johnny exits.

TOM: Dammit. Are wives have been poisoned.

DUSTY: Along with half the community.

TOM: What are we going to do, Dusty?

DUSTY: Tom, I believe it is up to us to find the bastard who did this and kill him. Kill him very slowly and painfully.

The camera zooms in on Dusty’s face.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 43***


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EP 171 - The Finale