Friday, December 30, 2016

EP 42 - New Year's Eve PT. 2

Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Michael Eilbaum

At Bliss, Carly is still in the final stages of her judgement. Everyone has spoken. The only person left to speak is John. John steps up to the podium.

JOHN: Thank you to everyone who has spoken today. It is now time for Carly’s final judgement. That judgement will be carried out by myself. With further-a-do it is time for the final judgement.

At the Oakdale Ballroom, guest are enjoying their poisoned soup. Julian is still smiling from the stage. Julian and Lisa walk of the stage. Behind the curtain, Lisa sets her microphone down.

LISA: This night could not get any better.

JULIAN: I hear that.

LISA: Everything is just absolutely perfect. I owe this all to you.

JULIAN: Lisa, you are too kind.

LISA: I don’t care what anybody says about you. Especially Lucinda. She’s just jealous of the success we are enduring as business partners. Happy New Year, Julian.

JULIAN: Happy New Year, Lisa.


Lucinda and Sierra go to a bench and sit.

SIERRA: Listen, I’m sorry you have to miss the fabulous dinner.

LUCINDA: It’s okay. You said you wanted to talk.


LUCINDA: Darling, what’s wrong?

SIERRA: I don’t think it is fair of you to vote nay at tomorrow’s board meeting.

LUCINDA: And exactly why do you think that it is not fair?

SIERRA: Because, it is time that WorldWide gets some new blood injected into it. I think I am the right person to run the company. Come on, mom. I’m not asking for much. Shove Lily to the side. Let me take over. What do you say?

LUCINDA: I still say nay. That is final. It will never change. You will just have to live with that.

Lucinda walks off.

SIERRA: (to herself) Well, I'm sorry mom. I'm not going to live with that vote. You will just have to accept that.

At Susan’s Home, Susan is taking her pills. As she does so, there is a knock on the door. She puts her pills away and goes to the door. On her way to the door, her knees begin to get weak. The knocking continues.

SUSAN: Coming!

Susan opens the door.

SUSAN: Oh, girls! Thank you for coming.

Susan motions Betsy and Emily inside. She then shuts the door.

SUSAN: Now, I know you would much rather be at that New Year’s Eve party, but I need to talk to the two of you. This couldn’t wait any longer.

EMILY: Mom, the party will go on for a very long time. Don’t worry.

BETSY: Now, your call sounded pretty urgent. What’s up?

SUSAN: Well, why don’t we sit down.

Susan, Betsy, and Emily sit down.

EMILY: Mom, is everything okay?

BETSY: You’re kind of starting to scare us.

SUSAN: Listen, I’ve been keeping a secret from you two.

EMILY: You have?

SUSAN: Yes, and it is time that I come clean.

At Alison and Casey’s Apartment, Alison is resting on the couch. Her stomach has begun to grow, as she is 3.5 months pregnant. Casey enters the living room with two bowls of Ramen Noodles for him and Alison.

ALISON: (taking a bowl) Thanks, honey.

CASEY: (sitting on the couch) You are welcome.

The two kiss. Casey reaches for the remote and turns on New Year’s Eve LIVE! on Oakdale’s local TV station, WODC.

CASEY: I’m so happy that I get to spend the night in with my beautiful wife and our beautiful baby.

ALISON: And, I’m happy that I have a handsome husband and a beautiful baby. I love you, honey. I can’t wait until we see our son.

The two kiss again.

ALISON: This is like a dream come true.

CASEY: I’m just happy that I am able to make your dreams a reality.

ALISON: (laughs) You do that everyday.

Back at the Oakdale Ballroom, Julian is by the entrance. He gets out his cellphone, dials, and puts it up to his ear. The phone rings for a couple seconds.

WOMAN: (voice over) After the tone, please leave your message. When you are finished recording the message, you may hang up, or press ONE for more options. (beeping noise)

JULIAN: Hey, Katie. This is Julian. Listen, I know that you probably don’t wanna hear from me, but there are a few things I need to say to you.


Margo and Tom have just finished their soup.

MARGO: Hey, honey, do you mind if we go home?

TOM: Is everything okay?

MARGO: I’m just not feeling okay.

TOM: Alright. How about you get your things and I’ll pull the car around.

MARGO: Sounds good, my love.

Tom gets up and walks off. Margo let’s out a sigh.


DUSTY: Well, that was delicious.

JANET: It was. Now, I am ready to dance. May I have this dance?

DUSTY: You may, baby.

Janet and Dusty go to the dance floor.


JULIAN: And, that is why I have to leave town tonight. We only went on two dates, but from the very first date, I could tell you worth everything. I have fallen in love with you, Katie. (sighs) Anyway, when you get this message, you can do whatever you want to do with it. Goodbye, Katie.

As Julian hangs up the phone, Tom walks up to him.

TOM: Everything okay, Julian?

JULIAN: Yes. Yes. Everything is fine. How’s the party?

TOM: It was wonderful.


TOM: Yeah. Margo and I are going to leave.

JULIAN: Oh. Why?

TOM: Margo isn’t feeling well.

JULIAN: Well, I hope she feels better. Happy New Year, Tom.

TOM: Thank you. Happy New Year to you as well.

Tom walks off, as Julian smiles.

Back at Casey and Alison’s Apartment, Casey and Alison have set their food aside. The two are now making out.

ALISON: (coming off the kiss) I thought that we were supposed to save the kissing for midnight.

CASEY: Well, who can resist you?

ALISON: No one can.

CASEY: There’s the correct answer.

ANNOUNCER: (on tv) We are now just minutes away from midnight!

CASEY: See, we’re close enough.

The two continue to kiss.

Back in Bliss, Carly crosses her legs. John rest his hands on the podium.

JOHN: Carly, our time here has come to an end. You’ve heard every side of the story. You know now how you truly damage people. You know how you truly hurt Rosanna. You know that your behaviour is a repeat. Now it is up to you on how you should interpret what was said here tonight. Do you know what you will do when you wake up from your coma?


JOHN: Then, it is time to get you back to the real world. Stand up.

Carly stands.

JOHN: (pointing) Go over to that blue circle.

Carly goes over to the blue circle. She steps inside of it.

JOHN: In one minute, you will be back in Oakdale. Back in your coma.

The screen flashes.

At Oakdale Memorial, in Carly’s Hospital Room, one minute has passed. The camera comes off the clock and goes to Carly. She awakes.

CARLY: (gasps)

Then, Carly hears a voice emerge.

JACK: Carly. Oh my gosh. Thank god you’re awake.


JACK: Don’t try to speak. Listen, you were in a car accident. You’ve been in this coma for two days. The kids have been waiting for you to wake up. So have I. Welcome back, my love.

Jack takes Carly’s hands and kisses them.

JACK: I’ve missed you.

Back at Susan’s Home, Emily and Betsy take their coats off.

BETSY: Mom, what is this secret?

Susan stands.

SUSAN: (sighs) I don’t know how to say this.

EMILY: Mom, you can tell us anything. We won’t judge you for keeping a secret from us. We just want to know.

SUSAN: Okay. I’ll tell you.

BETSY: Go ahead.

SUSAN: I have Guillain-Barre Syndrome.

EMILY: Mom, I don’t know what that is.

BETSY: I don’t either.

SUSAN: Sorry, it is the doctor in me. I have to say the full term. Anyway, it is a disease in which the immune system attacks the nerves.

BETSY: What does that mean for you?

SUSAN: It means I’m becoming paralyzed. In a couple of days, I will need to start using a cane. In about a month, I will need a wheelchair. It doesn’t usually get this bad, but I have the absolute worse case.

EMILY: What does this mean for the hospital?

SUSAN: It means I can no longer operate as Chief of Staff.

BETSY: Have you picked a replacement?

SUSAN: Yes, I have. In fact, she has been here for about two weeks, now.

EMILY: What’s her name?

SUSAN: RIta Davenport. She decided to come out of retirement for the offer. She is a great doctor.

EMILY: I’m so sorry, mom. Come here.

BETSY: Yeah, come here.

Betsy, Emily, and Susan go in for a group hug.

Back at the Oakdale Ballroom, Lisa grabs a microphone and steps on the stage.

LISA: Everyone! Everyone!
Everyone in the room looks at Lisa.

LISA: Now, there is only a minute life until we ring in 2017. Let’s begin the countdown. Here we go!

As the countdown begins, people start to feel queasy.

LISA: Here we go!

EVERYONE: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...Happy New Year!

As soon as that is said, people start fainting all around Lisa.

LISA: What in the world is happening?


On a Private Jet, Julian is sitting on a jet seat.

PILOT: (voice over) This is your Pilot speaking. We will be landing in France in about two hours. Thank you.
Back at Memorial Hospital, Jack is right by Carly’s side.

JACK: Happy New Year, Carly.
Back at Susan’s Home, Susan, Betsy, and Emily are drinking champagne, as they ring in the New Year.

SUSAN: Here is to us ladies. May our 2017 be the greatest year of our life! I love you girls. I love you very much.

BETSY: To us.

EMILY: To us.

The ladies clink their glasses.
At Tom and Margo’s Home, Margo is laying in bed. Tom is sitting next to her.

TOM: I think we should get you to the hospital. You don’t look good.

MARGO: I’m fine, dear.

TOM: No, you’re not. Come on.
Back at Casey and Alison’s Apartment, Casey and Alison are making love in the bedroom. Alison smiles at Casey.

ALISON: Happy New Year.

CASEY: Happy New Year.

The two continue to make love.
Back at the Oakdale Ballroom, the camera pans over everyone. Everyone is passed out and not moving. Everyone looks as if they are dead. A projection on the wall reads: HAPPY NEW YEAR.

The camera zooms out.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 42***


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EP 171 - The Finale