Thursday, January 19, 2017

EP 48 - Tom & Margo Discover The Truth


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Michael Eilbaum


At Lisa’s Apartment, Lisa enters her living room with a martini. She goes to her couch and sits. She turns on her television.

WOMAN: (on tv) Welcome to Oakdale Now! I’m your host Julia Summerton. Our top story tonight is Carly Tenney’s car accident.

Then, there is a knock at the door.

LISA: (sighs) Coming!

Lisa shuts off the TV. She puts her martini on the coffee table and goes to the door. Upon opening the door, Bob barges in.

LISA: Bob!

BOB: Sorry to barge in on you. But, this is urgent, Lisa.

LISA: Sweetheart, is everything okay?

BOB: I need your help.

At Beck Enterprises, in Julian’s Office, Margo and Tom are still searching.

MARGO: (sighs) We’re never going to find anything.

TOM: We will.

Margo looks around. She is carefully examining the office. She looks over at a painting that she didn’t notice before. She walks over to the painting.

TOM: Honey, what is it?

MARGO: This painting is here for a reason.

TOM: What?

MARGO: This is where Craig’s old safe was.

Margo takes down the painting. It reveals a safe.

MARGO: Well…

TOM: Let’s see what’s inside.

At the LakeView, in Diego’s Suite, Steve bangs on the door.

STEVE: Open up Santana!

A couple seconds later, Diego opens the door.

DIEGO: Oh my god, Steve.

Steve in rage, sucker punches Diego.

STEVE: I’m back.

At BRO, in the Bonita Chica Lab, Paul is working on the face cream proofs. Faith enters the lab and walks up to Paul.

FAITH: (handing a file over) Here you go.

PAUL: Thank you.

FAITH: I compiled every design that was popular from our focus group. They all seem to have flocked to number seven.

PAUL: I like number seven too.

Paul, not looking, tips over his coffee mug. He spills it.

PAUL: Oh. Crap. Be careful.

FAITH: How about I go call the janitor?

PAUL: That’d be great. Thank you.

Just as Faith is on her way out, she accidentally slips. However, Paul catches her before she can fall. They look at one another.

PAUL: Sorry. That was my fault.

FAITH: shouldn’t wear these heels.

PAUL: Is everything okay, Faith?

Faith is left breathless by Paul. She’s noticing him in a new light.

FAITH: I better go call that janitor.

Faith runs out of the room.

Outside of Oakdale University, in the parking lot, Madison and Johnny are walking to Johnny’s car.

JOHNNY: I told you Oakdale U would win.

MADISON: Well, I had my doubts.

JOHNNY: That’s why hockey is so much fun.

The two get into the car.

JOHNNY: Are you hungry?

MADISON: A little.

JOHNNY: Any cravings?



Madison blindsides Johnny by kissing him.

Back at BRO, Faith is in the break room. She is pouring herself a cup of coffee. She takes a small sip. Paul enters.

PAUL: Oh. Hey.


PAUL: Cathy said I could find you in here.

FAITH: (sighs) Cathy knows where everybody is.

PAUL: Is everything okay, Faith?

FAITH: Yeah. Why do you say that?

PAUL: Well, things got a tad awkward in the lab. After I caught you before you slipped, you seemed off.

FAITH: Did I? I hadn’t noticed.

PAUL: If you ever want to talk about anything…, I’m here.

FAITH: Mr. Ryan, with all due respect, I’m fine.

PAUL: Okay. Well, I better get back to work.

FAITH: I should get back to work too.

PAUL: Talk to you later.

FAITH: Yeah. Yeah.

Paul leaves the room. Faith takes a deep breath.

In Johnny’s Car, Johnny pushes Madison off of him.

JOHNNY: Madison, we just met.

MADISON: I know.

JOHNNY: So, why did you kiss me?

MADISON: I find you very attractive. It was a first date kiss. That is all it was. It wasn’t anything more than that.

JOHNNY: It felt like it was.

MADISON: Can you take me home...right now?

JOHNNY: Sure. Yeah. Sure.

Johnny starts the car and drives off.

Back in Diego’s Suite, Diego gets up from the floor.

DIEGO: You really know how to hit a guy.

STEVE: Yeah. I’ve had much practice.

DIEGO: It is good to see you, Steve.

STEVE: See, I’m not so sure that you want to say that.

DIEGO: Excuse me?

STEVE: Diego, I’m back in Oakdale for one reason. I’m not letting you get away with anything else. You’ve hurt too many people. You’ve hurt Emily. You’ve hurt Lily. You’ve hurt me, my wife, and my daughter. The list just goes on and on.

DIEGO: Steve, you may not believe this but I am becoming a changed man.

STEVE: You’re becoming a changed man? Did hell just freeze over?

DIEGO: I’m serious.

STEVE: I’ve checked up on you since you’ve returned to Oakdale. Already, you’ve kidnapped Paul, you have blackmailed Emily, and you’ve had a short lived relationship with Iva.

DIEGO: Wow. You have done your homework.

STEVE: I have. Listen, I’ve gotta go meet Betsy. But, I’m going to give you a warning. You better watch your back, Diego.

Just before Steve can exit, Diego stops him.

DIEGO: Same goes for you.

STEVE: Excuse me?

DIEGO: I’m not scared of you, Steve.

STEVE: You should be.

Steve exits. He slams the door behind him.

Back at Lisa’s Apartment, Lisa and Bob sit on the couch.

LISA: You need my help?

BOB: I do.

LISA: Well, I’ll do my best. What do you need my help with?

BOB: I need your help to surprise Kim.

LISA: A surprise for Kim? What is it?

BOB: Well, Kim was recently diagnosed with cancer.

LISA: Oh my god. Bob, I’m so sorry.

BOB: Yeah. I am too. For her.

LISA: What surprise do you want to give to her?

BOB: I want to give her a vacation. It could be the last one we take.

LISA: Oh, Bob, don’t think like that. Kim is a fighter.

BOB: I know she is. However, I want to prepare myself.

LISA: I know you do.

BOB: (sighs) The only problem is that I don’t know where to take her.

LISA: I know where you should take her.

BOB: You do?

LISA: Yes.

BOB: Where?

LISA: Paris.

Back at Beck Enterprises, in Julian’s Office, Tom has a crowbar in his hand. He is trying to open the safe.

TOM: I’m almost there.

Then, the safe cracks open.

MARGO: Finally!

Margo and Tom look in the safe. They start to empty it.

TOM: Well, we’ve got your standard things you keep in a sage. We’ve got money, a gun,  the license for the gun.

MARGO: Wait..what is that?

Margo gets an envelope out of the safe. She opens the safe to see the contents inside. She holds the contents in her hand. She opens up a piece of paper. She sets the other things on the desk.

TOM: What is that?

MARGO: It's a hit list.

TOM: Excuse me?

MARGO: See for yourself.

Margo hands he paper to Tom.

TOM: Oh my god. It is. Let’s look at the other stuff.

Tom and Margo look at the other contents of the envelope.

MARGO: Wait...this is a map of the church that Tom and Lucinda held their wedding at. And, here are cell phone numbers for bomb makers and…

TOM: People who make poisonous concoctions.

MARGO: Do you know what this means?

TOM: Yeah.

MARGO: This bastard killed my father. Now, I’m gonna kill him.

The camera zooms in on Margo’s face.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 48***

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EP 171 - The Finale