Tuesday, December 5, 2017

EP 140 - The Hughes' Decorate a Tree


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Written By: Martin C. Layton
Executive Producer: Dawn Gregory


At Bob and Kim’s Home, in the Living Room, Andy, Bob, and Kim enter the home. Andy and Bob are both carrying a Christmas tree.

KIM: (shutting the door) Why don’t you put the Christmas tree in the corner over by the couch. I think it will look gorgeous there.

Bob and Andy set the tree up in the corner by the couch. Kim smiles and then walks over to them. All of them look at the tree.

KIM: I can’t wait to decorate it.

ANDY: I’m so glad I am back here in Oakdale to do things like this. It has been quite awhile since we all decorated a tree together.

BOB: Yes it has, Andy.

KIM: Darling, will you go get the decorations from the attic?

BOB: Of course I will. No problem.

Bob walks off.

KIM: What’s wrong, honey?

ANDY: (turning around) Nothing.

KIM: Liar. You haven’t been yourself since we were at the tree lot. What’s going on? You can tell me anything. I’m your mother.

ANDY: Okay. I know this may sound childish to you. But, it isn’t for me. Anyway, I miss decorating a tree with dad. After all this time, it still doesn’t feel like he is gone.

KIM: I know. And, from time to time, I miss him too. Listen, I know that your father is staring down at you from Heaven. He is so proud of the man you have become. And, he is happy that you choose to still remember him. Come here, darling.

Kim and Andy embrace.

KIM: I love you.

ANDY: I love you too, mom.

At Java Underground, Sheila and Parker walk over to a table. Both of them have coffee mugs in hand. Both of them then sit across from one another.

SHEILA: I like this idea of your’s. Getting out of the house for a cup of coffee with the love of my life is pretty nice.

PARKER: I thought so. But, I must say that I have an ulterior motive.

SHEILA: Ulterior motive? What are you talking about?

PARKER: Well, I wanted to talk to you about our wedding.

SHEILA: Okay. What about our wedding specifically?

PARKER: I want to talk about the date. I would like to change it.

In Oakdale Park, Lucinda stumbles into a private area. It is clear that she is a little drunk. Then, Valerie enters. She is looking down at her cellphone. Her and Lucinda then bump into one another. Valerie’s phone falls from her hand. Her purse also falls to the ground. The contents of her purse go everywhere.

LUCINDA: Oh, I’m sorry.

VALERIE: That’s quite alright. I should’ve watched where I was going.

LUCINDA: Here, let me help you pick up your things.

VALERIE: Thank you.
Lucinda and Valerie kneel down and begin to pick up the contents of the purse. Lucinda then picks up an envelope from the ground. She looks at it questionably.

VALERIE: Can I have that please?

Lucinda starts to stand with the envelope in her hand.

VALERIE: (standing) Miss Walsh, what’s wrong?

LUCINDA: The return address on this envelope says 3425 Jackson Street. That is John’s old home address. What the hell are you doing with a letter from my late husband?

At the AIDS/HIV Research Center, in Iva’s Office, the camera zooms out from a photograph of Diego. Iva is sitting behind her desk. She smiles at the photo. Then, there is a knock at the office door. Iva hurries and puts the photo in one of her desk drawers.

IVA: Come in!

Then, Lily enters the office.

LILY: Hey, Iva.

IVA: Lily, what a lovely surprise. What are you doing here?

LILY: I hope you don’t mind me dropping by this late.

IVA: Not at all. Please, have a seat.

Lily walks up to Iva’s desk and takes a seat across from her.

IVA: So, what brings you by the research center?

LILY: Well, I have some good news for you and the center.

At the Mona Lisa, Sierra and Marshall are sitting down at a table. Sierra is having a glass of white wine. Marshall is having a beer.

SIERRA: I cannot tell you how thrilled I am that your first debate went so well. You did such a good job up there, honey.

MARSHALL: Thank you very much. But, I have the best campaign manager in the world. Therefore, I was able to answer every question to the best of my ability.

SIERRA: You were a natural up there.

MARSHALL: You think?

SIERRA: Without-a-doubt. I’m glad you suggested coming out for a celebratory dinner. I should’ve come up with the idea. After all, you deserve it.

MARSHALL: Well, that’s the thing, I didn’t take you out to dinner to celebrate how well I did tonight. I took you out because there’s something I need to tell you.

Back at Bob and Kim’s Home, in the Living Room, Andy and Kim are standing by the couch. Bob is standing on a stepping stool. He is putting the star on the tree. Once done, he steps down from the stool and walks over to Andy and Kim.

KIM: It looks absolutely beautiful.

BOB: Doesn’t it?

ANDY: Merry Christmas, mom.

KIM: Merry Christmas, darling.

ANDY: Merry Christmas, Bob.

BOB: Merry Christmas, Andy.

Andy, Kim, and Bob smile at the beautiful tree.

Back at the AIDS/HIV Research Center, in Iva’s Office, Lily sets her purse in the chair next to her. She then crosses her legs.

IVA: You have good news for me and the research center? I don’t understand. What are you talking about?

LILY: I am once again the CEO of WorldWide.

IVA: Oh, congratulations.

LILY: Thank you. Anyway, my first order of business is to expand WorldWide’s charitable interests. That is why I have decided to give the AIDS/HIV research center a check. A very large check that is.

IVA: (laughs) How large?

LILY: How does 500 thousand sound?

IVA: Are you serious?

LILY: Very much so.

IVA: Lily…, that….that is wonderful. Thank you.

LILY: It is my absolute pleasure.

IVA: This money will not go to waste.

LILY: (smiling) I know it won’t. Hey, before I get going, is everything okay?

IVA: Yes, everything's fine. Why do you ask?

LILY: Because, I heard Diego left town.

IVA: You did? How?

LILY: Well, on his way out, he sold Emily the newspaper. Well, actually, he gave it back to her. For free that is.

IVA: He did?

LILY: Yes. Look, I know that I wasn’t your biggest cheerleader when you were with him. However, I know how much he meant to you. So, when I ask you how you’re doing, I mean it.

IVA: I’m doing fine. Truly. And, thank you for asking.

LILY: Of course. And, if you ever need a shoulder to lean on, you just give me a call. Okay? Does that sound like a deal?

IVA: (smiling) Sounds like a deal to me.

LILY: (smiling) Good.

Back at Java Underground, the camera zooms off from Sheila and Parker holding hands. The camera then cuts to Sheila.

SHEILA: So, you want to change the date of our wedding?

PARKER: Yeah. I mean, there’s still plenty of time to change the date. I mean, we haven’t even sent out any invitations yet.

SHEILA: That’s true.

PARKER: So, will you hear me out?

SHEILA: I guess. What date do you want the wedding to be on?

PARKER: How about Christmas Eve?

SHEILA: Christmas Eve? Really?

PARKER: You got a problem with that?

SHEILA: Not at all. Christmas Eve, Easter, April Fools Day, I don’t care what day the wedding is on. All I care about is getting married to you.

Sheila and Parker smile at one another. Then, the two lean in for a kiss.

Back at the Mona Lisa, Sierra takes a sip from her wine glass. She then sets the glass back down in front of her.

SIERRA: You want to talk to me about something?


SIERRA: Well, what’s up?

MARSHALL: Sierra, I want to talk about how much I love and adore you. From the first moment I met you, you have changed my life.


SIERRA: Thank you for flying from China to see me.

MARSHALL: Of course. It was no trouble at all. I am happy to be in Oakdale. I’ve always loved this town.

SIERRA: Really?


SIERRA: Well, welcome. Can my assistant get you anything? Coffee? Tea? Water? Anything. You name it, she’ll get it.

MARSHALL: (chuckles) No, I’m fine. Thank you though.


MARSHALL: From the moment I met you, there was one thing I instantly liked about you. And, that one thing was your smile. You just light up a whole room when you smile. Your smile gets me weak in my knees. When I asked you out, my heart was beating out of my chest. I was just on the edge of my seat hoping you’d say ‘yes’ to a date with me. You did. And, that night changed my life for the better. I guess what I’m saying is that you make me a better man. I guess what I’m also saying is that you are the love of my life. I am so lucky to have found a woman like you. That is why I want to do this.

Marshall gets down on one knee in front of Sierra. He grabs a ring box from his back pocket. He then opens the ring box to reveal a gorgeous diamond ring. The camera cuts to Sierra. Tears have begun to stroll down her cheek.

MARSHALL: Sierra Jean Esteban, will you do me the honor of making me the happiest man in the whole world?

SIERRA: (crying) Yes. Yes. A thousand times yes.

As Marshall smiles, he puts the ring on Sierra finger. The kiss passionately.

Back in Oakdale Park, Valerie picks up her purse from the ground.

LUCINDA: I asked you a question! I expect an answer!

VALERIE: Please, give me the envelope back.

LUCINDA: Not until you tell me why the love of my life wrote a letter to you. I want answers. And, I want them now. In fact, I also want to know why you are in town. Who are you really?

VALERIE: Miss Walsh, please, give me that envelope.

LUCINDA: Listen here, you better start giving me answers. Or else, I’ll get them for myself. And, I promise that if I do get them for myself, I will know more about you then you want anyone to know. So, we can do this the easy way. Or, we can do this the hard way. Your choice. And, trust me, I rarely let one make the choice.

VALERIE: Alright! Fine! I’ll tell you!

LUCINDA: Start talking.

VALERIE: John Dixon is my father. And, you could be my mother!

The camera zooms in on the shocked expression that falls upon Lucinda’s face.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 140***

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EP 171 - The Finale