Thursday, November 30, 2017

EP 139 - Lucinda's Big News For Susan

Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Written By: Martin C. Layton
Executive Producer: Dawn Gregory


At Bancroft, in the Living Room, Barbara is sitting on the couch. She is reading a fashion magazine. She then becomes very deep in thought.


MARGO: Katie, how can you stand by this man?

KATIE: It isn’t by choice. He had me kidnapped. He brought me here. He revealed himself to me during a thunderstorm.

BARBARA: (going to Katie) He what?

KATIE: Yeah. He was dressed up in this robe. He took down the hood…

BARBARA: ...and he said your name.

KATIE: Right. How did you know that?

BARBARA: Because, his brother did the same thing to me decades ago.


As Barbara comes out of her thoughts, Henry enters the room.

HENRY: Hey, Babs.


HENRY: (going to her) What’s going on?

BARBARA: I was just thinking about Julian’s return.

HENRY: I’ve been thinking about that too.

BARBARA: Really?

HENRY: You bet. For some reason, I can’t get my uncle off my mind.

At Craig’s Home, in the Living Room, Craig walks over to the couch. He is holding a glass of scotch. As he is about to sit, there is a knock heard at the door. Craig lets out a sigh and walks over to the door.

CRAIG: (opening the door) Valerie.

VALERIE: Hey. I hope it’s no trouble that I just dropped on by.

CRAIG: It’s no trouble at all. How’d you find out where I lived?

VALERIE: I checked your FaceBook page. You haven’t updated your privacy settings. Anyway, do you mind if I come in?

CRAIG: Not at all.

Craig moves out of the way. Valerie enters. He then shuts the door, turns around, and walks over to her.

CRAIG: So, what brings you by?

VALERIE: Well, I thought you should be the first to know that today is the day where I am going to get DNA samples from Susan and Lucinda.

At the Oakdale Police Department, in the Interrogation Room, Julian is sitting down. He is handcuffed to the table. A couple seconds later, Katie and a Police Officer enter.

POLICE OFFICER: I’ll be right outside if you need me.

KATIE: Thank you.

The Officer exits and shuts the door behind him.

JULIAN: I was shocked to find out that I had a visitor. I was even more shocked to find out that the visitor was you. What are you doing here, Katie?

KATIE: I think it is time we had a little talk.

At the Walsh Mansion, in the Living Room, Susan and Lucinda enter the room.

LUCINDA: Thank you for coming over, Susan.

SUSAN: No problem. So, why’d you call me over here?

LUCINDA: Well, I have some news for you.

SUSAN: Concerning what?

LUCINDA: The charity auction.

SUSAN: Okay. What’s the news?

LUCINDA: I regret to inform you that I’ll no longer be able to co-chair the Guillain-Barre Syndrome charity auction for you.

At Tom and Margo’s Home, in the Living Room, Tom is sitting on the couch. He is reading the newspaper. His feet are up on the table. Then, Margo enters the home.

TOM: Hey, I was wondering when you would get home.

MARGO: Hi, honey.

Margo sets her purse and keys on the table next to the door. As she walks over to the couch, Tom puts down the newspaper.

TOM: How has your day been?

MARGO: (sitting next to Tom) Not good at all.

TOM: What happened with Julian?

MARGO: Well, I told him that the department is now one step ahead of him. However, he told me we can never be a step ahead of him. Tom, I have reason to believe that, that bastard is planning something. In fact, I know he is.

Back at Bancroft, in the Living Room, Barbara stands from the couch.

BARBARA: I wish that Julian was still dead.

HENRY: Me too. I feel so bad for Katie. I can’t imagine the nightmare that she must be going through right now.

BARBARA: I can. James pulled similar stunts on me through the years.

HENRY: Very true. But, you showed him. You came out on the other side.

BARBARA: I did. I just hope Katie does too.

HENRY: I know she will. She’s strong.

BARBARA: You know, Katie Peretti and I have never been the best of friends. But, I’ll give her one thing. Julian is messing with the wrong gal.

Back at Craig’s Home, in the Living Room, Craig sets his drink on the coffee table.

CRAIG: So, how do you plan to get DNA from the both of them?

VALERIE: I don’t know. But, I’ll think of something. Susan already feels comfortable with me in her home. She’ll be the easy one to get DNA from. I just don’t know how I’ll get it from Lucinda. She’ll be a lot more complicated.

CRAIG: You got that right. Lucinda Walsh doesn’t give into anything easily. Trust me, I know that from experience.

VALERIE: Do you now? Care to share?

CRAIG: I’ll fill you some other time.

VALERIE: (laughs) You’re on.

Back at the Walsh Mansion, in the Living Room, Lucinda is over by the bar cart. She is pouring herself a glass of vodka.

LUCINDA: You don’t mind if I drink in front of you, do you?

SUSAN: Of course not.


Lucinda turns around, with glass in hand.

SUSAN: Lucinda, why are you dropping out of the auction?

LUCINDA: I have a lot of personal stuff going on. I’m sure you’ve read the paper.

SUSAN: Yes, I know what has happened. And, I am deeply sorry. It is just that you dropping out of this auction puts me in a sticky situation. It is two weeks away.

LUCINDA: If it will help, I’ll find a replacement.

SUSAN: That would help thank you. By the way, how are you doing?

LUCINDA: Oh, don’t worry about me. I’m Lucinda Walsh. I always bounce back.

Lucinda then takes a drink from her glass.

Back at the Police Department, in the Interrogation Room, Katie sets her purse on top of the table. She then takes a seat across from Julian.

KATIE: I heard that your arraignment is tonight. Seems kind of fast.

JULIAN: The judge is eager to hear my case I guess.

KATIE: Look, I hope you go away for a long time. And, I know that may come as a shock to you considering you have all these feelings for me. However, I don’t have any for you. You murdered John, you kidnapped me, you blew up a church, you drove Lily to insanity. Don’t even get me started on what you did to my sister.

JULIAN: Katie, in time, I hope you can forgive me.

KATIE: (laughs) You have got to be joking! You know, James supposedly killed Lars. Well, I’m here to say that I think he killed the wrong brother. It should’ve been you. I wish I would’ve never met you! I wish that I…

JULIAN: Would’ve never fallen in love with me?

KATIE: That is not what happened. I didn’t fall in love with you.

JULIAN: Yeah? You don’t think so? Well, I beg to differ. In fact, I would say that deep down somewhere, you still have feelings for me.

KATIE: Well, if you believe that, then they shouldn’t throw you in a concrete cell. They should throw you in a padded cell.

Back at Tom and Margo’s Home, in the Living Room, Tom folds up the newspaper and sets it on top of the table.

TOM: So, you believe Julian is gonna pull something?

MARGO: Yes. And, I assume he’ll pull something at his arraignment.

TOM: That would be bold of him.

MARGO: When has a Stenbeck ever been lackluster?

TOM: Good point. So, what do you think Julian has planned?

MARGO: I don’t know. But, I’m gonna fight like hell to figure it out.

The camera zooms in on Margo’s determined and serious face.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 139***

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EP 171 - The Finale