Monday, December 12, 2016

EP 38 - Susan Calls In Dr. Ed Bauer

Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Maria Wagner

SPECIAL GUEST STAR: Peter Simone as Dr. Ed Bauer

At Dusty and Janet’s Home, Carly enters. Dusty shuts the door. The two walk into the living room. Carly takes her coat off, and throws it on the couch. She sets her purse down right next to the coat.

DUSTY: Can I get you anything? Tea? Coffee? Water?

CARLY: No, I’m fine. We have a lot to discuss.

DUSTY: What’s up?

CARLY: I visited Brooklyn.

DUSTY: Dammit, Carly! I told you not to!

At the Mona Lisa, Rosanna is over at the bar. She is having a martini. She is also typing on her computer. Craig enters. He spots her, and goes to her.

CRAIG: Afternoon, Rosanna.

ROSANNA: What the hell do you want?

CRAIG: Well, we have some things to discuss.

ROSANNA: Is this about you sleeping with Carly?


ROSANNA: Craig, you are not going to change my mind.

CRAIG: Change your mind?
ROSANNA: Oh, right. Carly doesn’t receive the papers until later today.

CRAIG: What papers?

ROSANNA: I’m suing Carly for her shares of CT Designs.

At Memorial Hospital, the elevator doors ding open. Kim steps off. She looks around for Susan, and sees her. Kim walks to Susan.

KIM: Hey, Susan.

SUSAN: Kim, hi.

KIM: So, you finally have my test results?

SUSAN: I do. Sorry it took so long, but I had to call someone in.

KIM: Who?

SUSAN: Follow me.

Kim and Susan walk to the conference room.

KIM: So, who’d you have to call in?

SUSAN: Doctor Ed Bauer.

ED: Hello, Kim. Hello, Susan.

SUSAN: Hello, Dr. Bauer.


At FairWinds, Emily and Paul sit down on the couch.

PAUL: Are you sure you want to give Diego the paper?

EMILY: I’m sure. I’ve gotta do this.

PAUL: Honey, we can defeat him.

EMILY: Paul, don’t be delusional.

PAUL: We have more money than he ever will.

EMILY: (standing) I don’t want to fight this!

Paul stands, and goes to Emily.

PAUL: Why not?

EMILY: There comes a point when you have to admit that someone has the upper hand. He has a recording of me confessing to shooting him. This recording also implicates Margo. I am not letting our lives be ruined. Besides, it is just a paper.

At Lisa’s Penthouse, Katie enters. Lisa closes the door.

LISA: Katie, what brings you by?

KATIE: We need to talk.

LISA: Why?

KATIE: Well, I was out to breakfast with Julian. He went to the bathroom. While he was in the bathroom, you sent him a text. It said that you wanted him to meet you here. However, it was in all caps. That is pretty alarming.

LISA: It was just something important having to do with the hotel.

KATIE: You sure that’s all?

LUCINDA: Alright, enough! Lisa, either you tell Katie the truth, or I will.

KATIE: The truth? What the hell’s going on?

Back at Dusty and Janet’s Home, Carly and Dusty are standing face to face.

CARLY: Dusty, I had to visit her.

DUSTY: No, you didn’t.

CARLY: Why didn’t you want me to?

DUSTY: Because, we don’t know anything about her.

CARLY: I see what’s going on here.

DUSTY: What?

CARLY: You think that Craig might’ve gotten to her already. That is why you think me going to see her was very injudicious.

DUSTY: You’re right. I am worried. Carly, she could be working with Craig. You could’ve just exposed our whole plan.

CARLY: What if I told you she wasn’t?

DUSTY: How could you tell?
CARLY: Dusty, I’ve worked with enough people to know when someone is working with another person. Trust me, she’s not.

DUSTY: Yeah. Well, we’ll have to wait and see.

Back at the Mona Lisa, Rosanna throws money on the table. She puts her wallet back in her purse. She grabs her purse and coat. She stands.

CRAIG: Don’t leave, Rosanna.

ROSANNA: That is exactly what I’m doing. I have an appointment with Tom. I also have to meet with Janet.

CRAIG: Janet? Why?

ROSANNA: Not that this is any of your business, but we occasionally get together to Skype with our children.

CRAIG: Oh, I see.

ROSANNA: Craig, I’m only gonna say this once.

CRAIG: Say what?

ROSANNA: It would be in your best interest to stay away from me. You slept with Carly. This is how I’m dealing with it. Get used to it.

Rosanna takes one last sip of her martini, and leaves.

Back at FairWinds, Emily is finishing up a phone call.

EMILY: Are the papers drawn up? Great. His address is the LakeView. Suite 571. Okay, thanks Marty. Talk to you later. Bye.

Emily then hangs up the phone.

EMILY: (sighs) Soon the sale will be finalized.

PAUL: Emily…

EMILY: Don’t Paul. Please, don’t. I don’t wanna talk about this any further. The sale is done. It is over. I don’t care what Diego does with the paper. He could burn the place to the ground. It is his, now.  

Emily lets out a sigh, and walks off.

PAUL: (grabbing his keys/coat) You’re not gonna get away with this Diego. I won’t let you, you son of a bitch.

Paul walks out of the living room.

Back at Lisa’s Penthouse, Katie sets her purse down.

KATIE: The truth about what?

LUCINDA: Go ahead, Lisa.

LISA: I don’t know if I can.

LUCINDA: She’s dated the guy for five minutes.

LISA: Doesn’t mean she won’t care.

LUCINDA: Tell her!

KATIE: Will somebody start talking!

LISA: Alright! Fine! (sighs) Katie, you might want to sit.

KATIE: I’m fine.

LISA: Okay. (sighs) This morning, Lucinda came to me with some pretty shocking news about Julian. I couldn’t believe it myself.

KATIE: What news?

LISA: Julian Beck didn’t exist before 2004.

Back at Memorial Hospital, Kim, Susan, and Ed are sitting at the confernece table.

SUSAN: Now do you understand why I had to call Ed in?

KIM: Yes.

ED: I’ve never seen anything like this.

SUSAN: I haven’t either. That is why we need to run more test. And, two minds are better than one.

KIM: Are you sure this is a good fit?

SUSAN: Yes. Positive.

KIM: Okay.

ED: I should go and get that blood work we ordered. It should be ready. I’ll see you two in a bit. Bye, ladies.

SUSAN: Bye, Ed.

Ed exits the room.

SUSAN: (sighs) Are you doing okay?

KIM: You want the truth?

SUSAN: Of course.

KIM: Well, I’m so glad Ed is here. Thank Heavens for your smart brain. You called him for help. That excites me. I have a feeling I will be just fine. At least, I hope so.

SUSAN: Kim, we will do everything in our power to make sure you are alright.

KIM: Thank you. Thank you very much.

The camera zooms in on Kim’s face. She feels some hope.


***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 38***



  1. brilliant idea to do a crossover w ed....lets see if u can get holly in as well

  2. I think this version of ATWT needs a sister show version of GL. Just saying. Nice episode Casey!


EP 171 - The Finale