Wednesday, December 7, 2016

EP 37 - Bob Sees An Old Friend

Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Michael Eilbaum

At FairWinds, Emily is in the living room. She is sitting on the couch, and drinking coffee. She is deep in thought, about what Diego said. Paul enters the living room.

PAUL: Good morning.

EMILY: Oh, good morning.

PAUL: Everything okay?

EMILY: Yeah. Why would you say that?

PAUL: You seem off.

EMILY: (sighs) That’s because something is off. I can’t keep this from you.

PAUL: Keep what from me?

EMILY: Diego came to visit me.

PAUL: What when?

EMILY: Last night.

PAUL: What the hell did he want?

EMILY: For me to sell him the paper.

At the Mona Lisa, Madison is having a cup of coffee. She is sitting down at a table, and is on her laptop. She is typing an essay. Carly enters, and spots her. She let’s out a sigh, and walks up to her.

CARLY: Hello.

MADISON: (looking up) Miss Tenney, can I help you?

CARLY: No. But, when I’m finished with you, you’ll be needing help.


CARLY: You little whore. Did you really think you could get away with breaking both my sons hearts? Go ahead, answer. Can’t wait to hear what you have to say.

At the Mona Lisa, Bob comes out with a to go bag. As he walks back to his car, he bumps into a mysterious woman.

BOB: Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry.

Then, Bob notices the woman.

BOB: It can’t be. Rita Davenport? Is that you?

RITA: Hello, Bob. Longtime, no see.

At Lisa’s Penthouse, someone is knocking at the door. Lisa enters her living room, and goes to the door. Upon opening it, Lucinda barges in.

LISA: Lucinda. What in the world?

LUCINDA: We need to talk. This is urgent.

LISA: What’s going on?

LUCINDA: You can’t trust Julian. You need to get away from him, Lisa.

LISA: Why are you saying these things?

LUCINDA: You won’t believe what I discovered about him.

LISA: What did you discover?

LUCINDA: There is no Julian Beck.

LISA: What?

LUCINDA: Julian Beck didn’t exist before 2004.

Lisa is in shock.

At Java Underground, Katie and Julian are having breakfast.

KATIE: I’m so happy that you could get away from work. I’ve been dying to have this second date with you.

JULIAN: It has been too long.

KATIE: Yes, it most has been.

JULIAN: So, what’s new?

KATIE: Oh, nothing much.

JULIAN: I hear that.

Katie reaches for Julian’s hand. In doing so, Julian’s water is spilled.

KATIE: Oh my goodness! I am so sorry.

Katie and Julian stand.

JULIAN: No, don’t worry.

KATIE: Date two, and I spill water on you.

JULIAN: It is okay. I’m fine. I’m just gonna go to the bathroom.

KATIE: Okay. Sorry, again.
Julian walks off. Katie sighs.

KATIE: Dammit Katie.

Katie sits back down. As she does so, Julian’s phone dings. Katie spots the phone on the table. She is curious as to who is texting Julian.


Upon noticing the text, Katie is caught off guard.

Back at Lisa’s Penthouse, Lisa puts her phone screen down on a table.

LISA: There you go. I texted him.

LUCINDA: Lisa, he’s not going to tell you anything. I know people like him. Hell, I’ve been married to people like him.

LISA: Lucinda, how are you so sure this is a bad thing?

LUCINDA: Come on, Lisa! I thought you were smarter than this.

LISA: Listen, I just wanna give the guy a chance.

LUCINDA: I know why you wanna do that. I know exactly why.

LISA: Why, Lucinda?

LUCINDA: Because, he’s your last chance to feel young.

LISA: Excuse me?

LUCINDA: Lisa, you were going to go into retirement two years ago. You were planning to hand the restaurant over to Henry. However, that plan fell through. Then, you went to back work. Work makes you feel young. I know the feeling. It pumps adrenaline through the body.

LISA: What are you saying?

LUCINDA: I’m saying that you need to be careful.

Then, there is a loud knock at the door.

LISA: That’s probably him.

Lisa walks to the door. Upon opening it, Lisa sees that it is not Julian.

LISA: Oh. Katie. What brings you by?

KATIE: We need to talk.

LISA: What’s up?

KATIE: Why did you text Julian in all caps that you needed to see him right away.

LUCINDA: And, so it begins.

Back at Java Underground, Julian comes back to the table. Katie is gone from the table. Julian is caught off guard.

JULIAN: Katie? Katie?

Back at FairWinds, Emily refills her coffee.

PAUL: He wants you to sell him the paper?


PAUL: Why?

EMILY: Well, he’s blackmailing me.

PAUL: That bastard! What is he blackmailing you over?

EMILY: The night I shot him.

PAUL: Of course! You just saw someone that you thought you were never going to see again. Someone who violated you.

EMILY: I know. Listen, I don’t want you to worry on this. I already made my decision about this situation. I’m doing what I believe needs to be done.

PAUL: Which is what?

EMILY: I’m giving him the paper.

Back in the Mona Lisa parking lot, Bob zips his coat.

BOB: Listen, we’ll have to schedule a dinner.

RITA: That sounds wonderful.

BOB: I’m sure Kim would love to see you. Listen, what are your plans for tonight? We’re having pot roast. Kim makes the best pot roast.

RITA: I would love to come over. What time?

BOB: Great. Six.

RITA: Alright.

Just as Bob is about to walk off, Rita stops him.

RITA: Oh, and Bob?

BOB: Yes?

RITA: I’m not back to reveal your secret.

BOB: My secret?

RITA: That little thing you did as a med student. You know what you did. I promise, it will be kept locked up. Safe and sound. Seya tonight.

Rita walks off. Bob is shocked. He had somehow forgotten about what he did, after all these years. He ponders it for a moment.

BOB: (sighs) Everything will be fine.

Bob looks left and right, and goes to his car.

He gets in, and drives off.

Back inside the Mona Lisa, Carly sets her purse on the table.

MADISON: Miss Tenney, I don’t appreciate you speaking to me like that.

CARLY: Get used to it. You’ll come to know that I call it, like I see it.

MADISON: You know, I’m not so sure who is the whore here.

CARLY: Pardon?

MADISON: I mean, you’ve been married seven times. Some of those marriages, were for your personal gain.

CARLY: A girl has to do what she has to do.

MADISON: Exactly.

Madison stands, and puts her coat on.

MADISON: Watch you say to me.

CARLY: You listen here, I am not above protecting my sons. I will do anything to do that. I can promise you that, Madison.

MADISON: I protect myself. You’ll come to know that.

CARLY: Are you threatening me, young lady?

MADISON: You can take it anyway you please.

CARLY: I invented a lot of mind games. Don’t think I’ve forgotten how to play them. Run along Madison. I’ll be in touch, with you.

MADISON: I’m sure you will be.

As Madison walks away, she bumps Carly on the shoulder. This, of course, is a very intentional move. Carly stays back, and ponders what to do about Madison.

The camera zooms in on Carly’s face.

***FADE OUT***


***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 37***

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EP 171 - The Finale