Monday, November 28, 2016

EP 35 - Carly Presents A Tempting Offer

Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Jennifer Pepperman
At the Walsh Mansion, Lucinda shuts the door, as Jack enter. The two walk into the living room. Lucinda shuts the living room doors.
LUCINDA: I’m glad that you were able to gather information, this quickly.
JACK: Well, my schedule has been pretty clear.[G1]
LUCINDA: Wonderful. So, tell me. What were you able to find on Julian?
JACK: Well, this may shock you.
LUCINDA: Why would this shock me?
JACK: Because, Julian Beck didn’t exist until 2001.
At Brooklyn's Apartment, Brooklyn pours herself a glass of wine. She sits on her couch and turns on her television. She flips to a channel.[G2]
WOMAN: (on screen) How do you expect me to go through this? How do you expect me to live with this paternity secret?
ANNOUNCER: (on screen) The Young and the Beautiful, weekdays, on ABS.
BROOKLYN: God, I hate soap operas.
Then, there is a knock at the door.
Brooklyn shuts off her TV and takes a sip of her wine. She walks to the door.[G3]
BROOKLYN: (opening the door) Hi.
CARLY: Hello. Are you Brooklyn Richards?

BROOKLYN: Yes. Can I help you?
CARLY: You really can.
CARLY: Ever heard the name, Craig Montgomery?
At Memorial Hospital, Kim is in an examination room. She is on her cell phone.
240px-Kimhughes.jpgKIM: No problem, darling. I will get you razors. All right I love you too, Bob. Bye.
As Kim hangs up, Susan enters.
SUSAN: Okay, here’s what’s going on. I’ve got you an ultrasound booked. The machine should be in this room, in about ten minutes.
Kim sighs, as a sad, worried look, falls upon her face.
6a65818653ca5d8550ceed813a536ee4.jpgSUSAN: Kim, is everything alright?
KIM: I’m just so scared.
SUSAN: Oh, come here.
Susan hugs Kim.
SUSAN: Everything will be okay. I promise.
At the Snyder Farm, Parker comes down the stairs. He goes into the kitchen, and grabs a bottle of water, from the fridge. As he closes the fridge, JJ comes in the back door.
PARKER: Hey. There you are. Mom was worried.
JJ: Whatever.
PARKER: Where were you?
Daniel+Manche+Jug+Face+Portraits+2013+Sundance+AdizaGpUM5pl.jpgJJ: Not having sex with your potential girlfriend.
PARKER: Really, JJ?
JJ: Shut up. Leave me alone.
PARKER: I won’t.
JJ: It would be in your best interest.
PARKER: Hear me out.
JJ: On what?! You slept with Madison! I deserve time to process that. Let me do that, dammit! Let me have, a little bit of time.
PARKER: I can’t.
JJ: Why not?
PARKER: Because we are going to fix this.[G4]
At Betsy’s Penthouse, Betsy pours herself a glass of water, and one for Steve.
BETSY: Cèsar Martinez is not a real person.

STEVE: What are you talking about?
BETSY: His name is Diego Santana, and the whole town is gunning for him.
Frank-Runyeon-emmy-nod-YR-SS.jpgSTEVE: Betsy, I don’t understand all of this.
BETSY: That is why I would like to explain everything to you. Would you sit with me? Please? It would be the best choice, for you.
STEVE: (sighs) Okay.
Steve sits down, next to Betsy.
STEVE: Tell me, everything.
Back at the Walsh Mansion, Lucinda and Jack sit down on the couch.
LUCINDA: I just might give you an extra tip.
JACK: What for?
LUCINDA: This was speedy information. Got it to me in eight hours.
JACK: It didn’t take long to realize that this is no Julian Beck.
LUCINDA: Before 2001, that is.
JACK: True. However, I don’t think he is fifteen.
LUCINDA: He’s not. So…
Jack hands Lucinda a file.
JACK: That is everything I could find.
LUCINDA: Wonderful. Did you discover who he really is?
JACK: No. I dug and dug. That will take me more time, though.
LUCINDA: Time granted.
Lucinda goes to her purse. She gets out her checkbook and writes Jack a check. Jack goes to Lucinda, and Lucinda gives it to him.
JACK: Whoa. Lucinda…
JACK: 50,000 dollars? This was simple information.
LUCINDA: Jack, I’m going to need your services for a long time. This is a retainer.
JACK: Very hefty and generous retainer.
LUCINDA: You deserve it.
JACK: Can I ask you something?
LUCINDA: Go for it.
JACK: Why are you having Julian investigated?
LUCINDA: I got a bad feeling about him. And, apparently, I was right. No one good creates a whole new identity. No one good. I'm going to find out everything. Every last detail. I can promise you that.
Back at the Snyder Farm, Parker throws his water bottle in the recycling bin.
PARKER: Please, give me some time.
JJ: No. You don’t deserve it, Parker.
PARKER: I get why you may think that.
JJ: Fine, you want some time. Answer this question.
PARKER: What question?
JJ: I came to you about, Madison. I poured my heart out about this girl, in front of you. You go and sleep with her. Why is that?
PARKER: Do you really wanna know?
JJ: Yeah.
PARKER: Because, I love her. I really do.
JJ: Well, if you loved me, as your brother, then we wouldn't be in this situation. A relationship should never place over family.
PARKER: I know that.
JJ: No you don't! I have to leave. I have to leave before I do something. Something bad. Goodbye, Parker. Don't talk to me.
JJ leaves out the back door. Parker sighs.
PARKER: What have I done?
Back at Betsy’s Apartment, Betsy sets her glass on the coffee table.
BETSY: This guy, Diego, is dangerous. We know that. His hold on Oakdale was long. He raped Emily, he preyed upon many. He was shot, in the mid 90’s. Diego managed to cheat death. He had a medical staff hired, and he disappeared. The rest is history, with us.
STEVE: Oh my goodness. Does Danielle know all about this?
BETSY: We Face Timed, yesterday. I filled her in.
STEVE: Is she okay?
BETSY: Yeah.
STEVE: Is she safe?
BETSY: I made sure of that. How are you doing? I know this is a lot to return home to. You can talk to me, Steve. We may not be together anymore, but you can trust me.
STEVE: I know that. I know I can trust you.
BETSY: Is there anything you need to get off your chest, about this?
STEVE: No. I'm ready to live my life and take my revenge.
BETSY: You can’t.
STEVE: Why not?

BETSY: Didn’t you listen, to me? He’s dangerous.
STEVE: I can be dangerous too.
BETSY: Steve, listen to me! Please! Listen! Promise me you won’t go after him.
STEVE: Why shouldn’t I?
BETSY: If you do, you will end up dead. And, I’m telling you right now, I couldn’t handle that. I truly couldn’t. So, for the love of Christ, don’t go after Diego Santana!
Back at Memorial Hospital, Kim and Susan are walking to the elevator.
SUSAN: So, results will be in tomorrow morning. I just want to take tonight, and review everything, close up.
KIM: Thanks for making this your top priority.
SUSAN: Of course. Kim…
KIM: Yeah?
SUSAN: I advise you not to tell Bob, anything. Don’t get him worked up. Just wait until the morning, to see your results.
KIM: (pushing the elevator button) Probably for the best.
SUSAN: Have a good night.
KIM: I’ll try.
Kim steps onto the elevator. Susan waves bye, and the doors close.
SUSAN: I hope it isn’t cancer.
Susan walks off.
Back at Brooklyn’s Apartment, Carly enters, as Brooklyn shuts the door.
BROOKLYN: (sighs) Haven’t heard that name in years.
CARLY: Sorry if it brings up bad memories.
BROOKLYN: It does.
CARLY: Can I ask you, a question?

CARLY: I noticed that you are a little young. How are you…
BROOKLYN: How am I Richard’s sister?
CARLY: Yeah.
BROOKLYN: Richard’s mom took me in, a couple years after his death.
CARLY: How sweet of her.
BROOKLYN: Yeah. So, why are you here?
CARLY: I have another question.
CARLY: How would you like to see Craig Montgomery pay for your brother’s murder?
The camera zooms in on Carly’s face.
***FADE OUT***

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EP 171 - The Finale