Friday, November 25, 2016

EP 34 - Betsy's Shocking Surprise!


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Maria Wagner


At the LakeView, in Iva’s Suite, Diego is buttoning up his shirt. Iva then helps him put on his tie. They kiss one another.

CBS_BOLD_6582_BONUS_640x480_31681091917.jpgIVA: You are such a handsome man.

DIEGO: I have my days.

Then, there’s a knock at the door.

IVA: Oh. That must be room service.

Iva walks to the door. Upon opening it, she’s in shock.

IVA: Holden.

HOLDEN: Do you have a minute?

IVA: Um…

Holden then sees Diego.

IVA: Now’s not a good time.

HOLDEN: (entering) What the hell is going on, here?

Iva turns back.

HOLDEN: Iva, what’s going on? Why is Diego, in your suite?

At Java Underground, Brooklyn and Natalie are studying. They both have coffees in front of them, along with textbooks, and notebooks.

BROOKLYN: I can’t believe that we are this close to graduating college.

NATALIE: I know. It is so insane.

BROOKLYN: It really is. So, are you ready to work in the business world?

NATALIE: Are you ready to work in the medical world?

BROOKLYN: (laughs) Not really. I’m super nervous.

NATALIE: Same here.

Natalie takes Brooklyn’s hand.

NATALIE: But, we can get through adult life together.

BROOKLYN: Yeah. Together.

At Betsy’s Penthouse, Betsy is sitting on the couch, on her laptop. She is typing an article for the Intruder. She then hears a knock at the door.

BETSY: Just a second.

Betsy takes her reading glasses off, closes her laptop, and stands. She then goes for the door. When she opens it, she is shocked.

BETSY: Oh my God. What are you doing here?

Frank-Runyeon-emmy-nod-YR-SS.jpgSTEVE: I’m back, Betsy.

BETSY: Steve.

STEVE: In the flesh.

Betsy embraces Steve.
At Dusty and Janet’s Home, Carly enters, as Dusty shuts the door. The two walk into the living room. Carly takes off her coat.

DUSTY: Thank God you are here.

CARLY: Well, you called this little meeting.

DUSTY: I did.

CARLY: And, why, exactly?

DUSTY: I have some news.

CARLY: What news?

DUSTY: Richard Fairchild’s sister is in town.

CARLY: Are you serious?

DUSTY: Yes. However, she’s under a different name.

CARLY: Really? Is this for safety?

DUSTY: Don’t know.

CARLY: Anyways, what’s the name?

DUSTY: Brooklyn Richards.

At Memorial Hospital, Kim is sitting in an examination room. As she sits on the examining bed, she is picking at her nails. Then, Susan enters, with her chart.

6a65818653ca5d8550ceed813a536ee4.jpgSUSAN: Kim. Hi.

KIM: Hi, Susan.

SUSAN: So, what brings you by, the hospital?

240px-Kimhughes.jpgKIM: I’m here for my mammogram.

SUSAN: Oh, yes. Of course.

KIM: So, shall we get this over with?

SUSAN: I think so. Why don’t you change into a hospital gown, and I will meet you back here, shortly. Then, we can go up to the sixth floor.

KIM: Alright. Sounds great.

SUSAN: All right. Seeya in a few.

Susan exits. Kim gets off the bed and grabs the hospital gown.

Back at Java Underground, Natalie lets go of Brooklyn’s hand.

NATALIE: I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to grab your hand.

BROOKLYN: Don’t worry about it, Natalie.

NATALIE: Well, I was afraid that I made things…

BROOKLYN: Awkward?

NATALIE: Exactly.

BROOKLYN: Natalie, taking my hand isn’t an awkward thing.

NATALIE: Right. Right. Totes. It just felt like that strange moment.

BROOKLYN: Is it because I’m a lesbian?

NATALIE: No. Not at all.

BROOKLYN: Listen, can I tell you something?


BROOKLYN: Well, I think we should go somewhere private.

NATALIE: Alright. We can go to my house.

BROOKLYN: Okay. Cool. Let’s go.

Brooklyn and Natalie start packing up their things.

Back at Dusty and Janet’s Home, Dusty and Carly sit on the couch.

CARLY: Brooklyn Richards. Where does she live?

DUSTY: According to my sources, she lives in an apartment on Broadway.

CARLY: Oh. Isn’t that the Oakdale University owned apartments?


CARLY: Alrighty. When do you wanna head over there?

DUSTY: That’s the thing. I don’t think we should.

CARLY: What do you mean?

DUSTY: I say, let’s just leave this girl alone.

CARLY: Dusty, what do you mean?

DUSTY: Carly, she’s a college student. She has enough on her plate.

CARLY: Dusty, we have to finish this. We have too.

DUSTY: Not right now. She’s almost done. Just let her finish.

CARLY: (standing) I’m sorry, but I’ve waited too long for this.

Carly collects her things and leaves. She slams the door.

DUSTY: There’s the Carly, I know. The one who never listens.

Back at the LakeView, in Iva’s suite, Iva shuts the door.

IVA: (sighs) Holden, please leave.

HOLDEN: Not until I understand, all of this.

IVA: There is…

HOLDEN: Are you aware of who this man is?

IVA: I’m very aware.

DIEGO: Holden…

HOLDEN: Shut up.

IVA: You know what? I’ll tell you the truth.

DIEGO: Iva, you don’t have to do this.

IVA: He won’t stop, okay? He won’t stop until he knows everything. That’s always been, Holden? Am I right? It always has been.

HOLDEN: What’s the truth behind him being here?

IVA: He is my boyfriend. We’re dating. Diego and I.

HOLDEN: Are you serious right now?

IVA: (sighs) Very. Couldn’t be more serious.


IVA: Don’t. Don’t try and change my thoughts.

HOLDEN: Are you aware of what this man did to Lily?

IVA: I don’t care.

DIEGO: And, she shouldn’t have to.

HOLDEN: I can’t believe you, Iva. Five minutes back in town, and you already screw everything up. Boy, sounds like classic Iva.

IVA: You don’t know me, Holden. (opening the door) Now, get the hell out of my suite, and don’t you dare ever come back here!

Holden steps outside the suite.

HOLDEN: You’re making a huge mistake.

IVA: My supposed mistakes are mine to live with.

Iva then shuts the door, in Holden’s face.

Back at Betsy’s Penthouse, Steve enters, as Betsy shuts the door.

STEVE: That was some welcome back hug.

BETSY: I just thought I would never see you again.

STEVE: Same here.

BETSY: How did you get out of prison?

STEVE: I was freed.

BETSY: They let you go?


BETSY: How did you get back here?

STEVE: Connections.

BETSY: What brought you here, first?

STEVE: Cèsar is here.

BETSY: (sighs) You need to be updated on your info.

STEVE: Excuse me?

BETSY: Cèsar Martinez is not a real person.

STEVE: What are you talking about?

BETSY: His name is Diego Santana, and the whole town is gunning for him.

Back at Memorial Hospital, Kim has changed back into clothes. She is back in her examination room. She is waiting for Susan. Then, Susan enters.

SUSAN: Sorry for the wait, Kim. The computer froze, and everything.

KIM: That’s fine.

SUSAN: You know technology is not my strong suit.

KIM: (laughs) I understand that. Do you have my results?

SUSAN: Yes, I do.

KIM: Great.

Susan steps closer to Kim and gets out a file.

KIM: So, what are these it?


Kim notices a worrying face on Susan.

KIM: Susan, is everything alright?

SUSAN: Not really?

KIM: What is it?

SUSAN: Kim, you might wanna brace yourself. They don’t look good.

KIM: What does that mean?

SUSAN: Well, we found something suspicious.

KIM: Susan, what’s suspicious about the results of my mammogram?

SUSAN: Kim, it appears you have two tumors. One on each breast.

The camera zooms in on Kim’s face.


***FADE OUT***

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EP 171 - The Finale