Thursday, October 13, 2016

EP 22 - The RETURN of Iva Snyder!


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Brett Hellman


At Barbara and Henry’s Mansion (Bancroft), Barbara picks up her cell phone.
BARBARA: Hello, this is Barbara. Hello. Hello.

Barbara sighs, and hangs up.

PAUL: I assume that wasn’t Diego.

BARBARA: No. Just some prank callers.

PAUL: Okay. How long is left on Diego’s money acceptance?

BARBARA: 14 hours.

At the Oakdale Police Department, Margo and Tom enter Margo’s office.
MARGO: (sighs) Officer Salinas said he would get that note down to forensics.

TOM: Okay. How are you holding up?

MARGO: I’m just running on fumes.

TOM: Why don’t you take a break, for just a sec. Reel yourself back in. Come to the conclusion that those initials on that letter are J.S.

MARGO: I don’t want to come to that conclusion. God, I wish they were someone else's initials. And, I can’t take a break.

TOM: Will you at least let me stay, and help you sort things out?

MARGO: Now, that can be arranged.

TOM: Alright, let’s get to work.

MARGO: Let’s.

At a skyscraper across town, the camera zooms on the front doors to the building. On the front doors, a sign is there.


Sabrina is sitting behind her desk, on the phone.

SABRINA: Yes. Of course. Our services are open to anyone. Alrighty, you have a good night too. Alright, bye, sir.

Sabrina writes on a piece of paper. As she gets up to pour herself a glass of water, a woman enters her office.

SABRINA: Hello, may I help you?

WOMAN: In fact, you can. I heard that you were looking for a partner, here.

SABRINA: Uh...yes. Could you tell me your name?

WOMAN: Iva. Iva Snyder.

At Memorial Hospital, Holden, Faith, Susan, Natalie, Ethan, Carly, and Jack are in the waiting room.

Carly is in a corner, on the phone.

CARLY: Hey, Dusty. Listen, this is Carly. I need to meet with you ASAP. I have some new info on Craig. It is explosive. It will send him back to prison.

As Carly hangs up the phone, Jack walks up to her.

JACK: Hey. Who was that?

CARLY: That was just a phone call I had to make.

JACK: I just got off the phone with Victoria.

CARLY: Congratulations. Let me guess, she’s coming back from her business trip, so she can be with you through this difficult time.

JACK: In fact, I told her not to come back.

CARLY: Any woman who really cared for her man, would move Heaven and Earth to get to him, at a time like this. Has that ever occurred to you? Anyways I thought you were talking to Holden and Faith.  

JACK: I was. But, I just needed to get in, and get out in this situation.

CARLY: Oh. Hope everything is okay. Anyways, I should go call our children. Let them know what happened.

Carly walks off. Meanwhile, Ethan hands Susan her pill.

SUSAN: Thank you, Ethan.

ETHAN: If you don’t mind me asking, what is the pill for?

SUSAN: Oh, allergies. I’m sure you’ve heard it in my voice. This is a pill John gave me, actually. Said it would help.

ETHAN: Oh, that was nice of him.

SUSAN: John’s a nice guy. That’s why I hope that he, and everyone else is fine.

As Susan takes her pill, a Doctor enters.

NATALIE: Doctor.

Everyone turns their attention to the doctor.

HOLDEN: Doctor Jeffries, how’s my wife?

FAITH: How’s my grandmother?

SUSAN: How’s John?

DOCTOR: Now, I assure you I will answer all of your questions. However, there is some bad news, that I must deliver. News, I thought I would never have to say.

Back at Bancroft, Paul pours a glass of scotch.

PAUL: So what do you expect to do if Diego doesn’t take the money?

BARBARA: Paul...we’ve been over this.

PAUL: Just humor me.


PAUL: Consider it a birthday present.

BARBARA: Your birthday isn’t for another two months.

PAUL: Early.

BARBARA: I have told Diego what would happen, if he didn’t take it.

PAUL: What did you say to him?

BARBARA: I said that this town is different, now. It has been over a decade, since he last showed his face here. I said that people are stronger here, now. We know how to handle things differently.

PAUL: So, you threatened to kill him?

BARBARA: I didn’t threaten anyone. I layed down the law, so to speak.

PAUL: So you threatened him?

BARBARA: Fine, in so many words, yes. Anyways, are you gonna tell Emily about this?

PAUL: I have to. I can’t hide Anything from her, about this.

BARBARA: I understand. Protect her Paul.

PAUL: I am going to do everything I can.

BARBARA: Even though Emily and I haven’t always seen eye to eye on things, I do care about her. I want only the best for her. I am here, if you need anything.

PAUL: Thanks for that.

BARBARA: Anytime.

Paul takes a small sip of his drink.

Back in Sabrina’s Office, Sabrina hands a glass of water to Iva. She has one too.

SABRINA: Wow. Iva Snyder. It has been ages since I last heard that name.

IVA: Many people say that.

SABRINA: (laughs) I could have sworn you were halfway across the world with your husband, and that sweet little boy of yours.

IVA: Well, that sweet little boy, went off to college. He’s gonna follow in his father’s footsteps, and become a doctor. As for Jason and I, we got a divorce. It finalized, last month.

SABRINA: I’m sorry to hear that. Is that what brought you back here?

IVA: It is in fact. It is time I start a new life for myself. One, where I am home. I missed my mother’s wedding, and that was a chance to see everyone. Including Lily.

SABRINA: Did you not here?

IVA: Here what?

SABRINA: Iva, there was an explosion at your mother’s wedding.

IVA: W-w-what?


IVA: I’ve had no connection to news for so long.

SABRINA: Do you want me to drive you to the hospital?

IVA: Would you?

SABRINA: Of course. Let me grab my things.

Sabrina grabs her purse, coat, and car keys.

SABRINA: Let’s go.

Sabrina and Iva exit.

Back at the Oakdale Police Department, Margo reenters her office. Tom is sitting on the couch,  going through his briefcase. He looks up, as Margo enters.

TOM: Are those the results of the letter?

MARGO: Yes. The team compared James’ writing, to the letter.

TOM: And…?

MARGO: Let’s have a look.

Margo opens up the envelope, taking the results out.

MARGO: Oh my god.

TOM: It can’t be.

MARGO: They are a match. A 99.9 percent match.

TOM: Oh my god.

Back at Oakdale Memorial, in the waiting room, everyone is crowded around the doctor.

SUSAN: Doctor, I demand you answer our questions.

DOCTOR: Sorry, I just don’t know how to put this.

HOLDEN: Begin with my wife. Work your way from there.

DOCTOR: Okay. Sounds good. There was some damage to your wife’s skin tissue. Mrs. Snyder has a long road ahead of her. She was badly burned. She’s in the burn unit, as we speak.

FAITH: Oh god.


NATALIE: Poor mom.

ETHAN: It’s okay, sis. Mom’s a fighter.

HOLDEN: Amen to that.

JACK: What about Lucinda?

DOCTOR: Mrs. Dixon suffers from first degree burns. She will be treated in the burn unit for three weeks, and then sent home. She also has a concussion.

CARLY: Oh god, Lucinda.

Jack puts his hands on Carly’s shoulders.

SUSAN: What about John? You’ve said nothing about John.

DOCTOR: That’s where the terrible news stems from.

SUSAN: Just tell us, Doctor Jeffries. Please! We need to know!

DOCTOR: I regret to inform you all, that Dr. Jonathan Michael Dixon, has passed away, from complications of debris.

Everyone breaks down, not being able to take the news.

SUSAN: (falling into Holden’s arms/crying) Not John! No! NO! NO! NO!

The camera zooms in on Susan.

***FADE OUT***


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EP 171 - The Finale