Tuesday, October 11, 2016

EP 21 - An Explosive Aftermath!


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Jennifer Pepperman


At Memorial Hospital, the elevator doors ding open. Lily is rolled on a gurney into the hospital. Lucinda and John are rolled in also.

DOCTOR: Big come through. We’ve got multiples, from an explosion at the Catholic church. Take Dr. Dixon to cubical two, and start an IV drip. Take Mrs. Dixon to cubical three, and then to CT. Her chart says big gash to the head. Finally, take Mrs. Walsh upstairs for an MRI.

Holden, Carly, Jack, Faith, Luke, Natalie, Susan and Ethan enter.

HOLDEN: Luke, Faith, Nat, Ethan, go with Susan. She can asses you guys.

NATALIE: Dad, we feel fine.

LUKE: And, I should call Noah.

HOLDEN: Fine. Call Noah, Luke. As for the rest of you, go with Susan.

Holden lets out a sigh, as the children follow Susan. Carly and Jack walks up to him.

CARLY: Holden.

HOLDEN: Carly. Jack.

JACK: How’s Lily?

HOLDEN: Don’t know. We just arrived, like you guys. The kids seem to be fine, for now. (sighs) Lucinda and John were carried away to cubicles. I’m so worried.

JACK: (patting Holden’s shoulder) We all are.

CARLY: (sighs) Come here.

Carly hugs Holden. As they come off the hug, Margo and Tom enter.

MARGO: Holden. Jack. Carly.

JACK: Margo. Tom.

TOM: What the hell happened here?

CARLY: There was an explosion.

MARGO: Well, we know that. I’m here to ask questions. I want the full story. I want every last detail, right now. Right now!

At Barbara and Henry’s NEW mansion, Barbara goes to the foyer, to open the door. As she opens the door, Paul enters.

BARBARA: Son, thank you for coming by, so quickly.
PAUL: Yeah. Your text sounded pretty urgent. What’s up?

BARBARA: I went to see Diego, at Memorial.

PAUL: What happened?

BARBARA: I made him an offer.

PAUL: What kind of offer?

BARBARA: A large monetary offer, in exchange for him leaving town.

PAUL: How large?

BARBARA: One million dollars.

PAUL: And…

BARBARA: And, I’ve given him 24 hours to accept.

At the Lakeview, the elevator doors ding open. Janet walks down the hotel halls, and goes to room 216. She knocks on the door. Craig answers.

CRAIG: Janet. What a lovely surprise.

JANET: This isn’t a surprise visit, Craig.

Janet walks into the hotel room.

CRAIG: What can I help you with, tonight?

JANET: We need to have a little discussion.

CRAIG: About what?

JANET: Johnny.

Back at Barbara and Henry’s mansion, Paul and Barbara walk into the living room.

PAUL: You offered Diego one million dollars?


PAUL: Mom, that is so stupid.

BARBARA: Why do you say that?

PAUL: Because, we know Diego isn’t going to take that money.

BARBARA: Why do you say that?

PAUL: Because, he wants to exact his revenge against Oakdale. His mind is not on money. His mind is dead set on hurting the people here.

BARBARA: He will accept that money.

PAUL: How can you be so sure?

BARBARA: Because, I know scum when I see it, and scum are always in for a big monetary pay off. No matter who it comes from.

PAUL: Just be careful.

BARBARA: I’ve been doing this, long before you were born.

Then, Barbara’s phone rings.

BARBARA: For all we know, this could be him now.

Barbara walks over to her purse, and retrieves her phone. She then answers.

BARBARA: Hello, this is Barbara.

Back in Craig’s Hotel Room, Craig pours himself a glass of scotch.

CRAIG: I don’t wanna talk about Johnny.

JANET: Well, we’re going to.

CRAIG: Why do you need to talk about…

JANET: I just wanna issue you a warning.

CRAIG: A warning?


CRAIG: What warning?

JANET: Stay the hell away from him. And, why you are at it, go ahead and stay the hell away from Lorenzo, as well.

At Oakdale Catholic Church, Margo, Tom, and various investigators are looking through the explosion scene at the church.

MARGO: (sighs) So, no one knows how this happened.

TOM: Nope.

MARGO: Dammit. We have nothing to go on.

Then, a police officer walks up to Margo. The police officer is wearing gloves, and has a note. The note is in a bag.

OFFICER: Commissioner.

MARGO: Salinas, what do ya got for me?


Margo is handed the bag.

OFFICER: It was by the bomb.

MARGO: Oh my god.


MARGO: This can’t possibly be who I think it is.

TOM: Only one person I know who has the initials, J.S.

Margo and Tom both look at one another.

MARGO and TOM: James Steinbeck.

Back at Memorial Hospital, Holden, Faith, Susan, Natalie, Ethan, Carly, and Jack are in the waiting room.

HOLDEN: Thanks for checking them, Susan.

SUSAN: Of course. Listen, I didn’t get any updates, while I was back there.

HOLDEN: That’s fine. Thanks for looking.

SUSAN: Yeah. No problem. You know what?


SUSAN: I think we should all say a prayer.

CARLY: I think that’s a wonderful idea, Susan.

JACK: Yeah. Let’s do it.

They all join hands.

SUSAN: Ethan, would you?

ETHAN: Of course.

FAITH: Can I say something?

SUSAN: Yeah. Go ahead.

FAITH: I’m glad we are all here to pray for our loved ones.

HOLDEN: I am too, honey.

ETHAN: Dear Heavenly Father, we come to you now, in our time of need. Today was a day where a dreadful tragedy occurred. This tragedy has brought us all together, as we examine how precious life truly is. We hope that you look over our loved ones. That you guide the sheep to your flock. In your precious name, amen.

ALL: Amen.

Carly’s phone rings.

CARLY: (getting her phone) I’ve gotta take this. Excuse me.

Carly walks off.


CARLY: This is Carly. Hello. Do you finally have something? Thank you so much Mark. You are the best PI in the world. Thanks again. Bye.


Jack walks up to Faith and Holden.

JACK: Faith. Holden. Can i speak to you two for a sec? I know you are thinking about Lily. The rest of us are too, but I have some news.


FAITH: Sure. What’s up?

JACK: We found Justin.

Over by the coffee, Susan pours some. She then retrieves a pill, secretly. But, she drops it. Ethan walks over, and picks it up.

ETHAN: Hey, Mrs. Stewart, you dropped this.


Susan is at a lost for words.


Surgeons are working hard on a mystery patient.
NURSE: BP is dropping. We’ve had this patient open too long.

DOCTOR: I just need a little more time. So much debris went into this patient.

NURSE: Doctor…

DOCTOR: Just a few more seconds.

Then, the monitor starts beeping.

DOCTOR: Dammit! Get me the crash cart!

The doctor clears out of the way, as the crash cart is brought in.

DOCTOR: Charge! Clear!

The patient is zapped.

NURSE: Still not working.

DOCTOR: Charge! Clear!


NURSE: Patient is still having a falling heart rate.

DOCTOR: Charge! Clear!


Then, the monitor flat lines.

NURSE: Doctor, there’s nothing else we can do.

DOCTOR: Dammit! Call it!

NURSE: Time of death, 21:30.

The camera zooms in on the nurse covering the patient.


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EP 171 - The Finale