Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Written By: Martin C. Layton
Executive Producer: Dawn Gregory
At Katie’s Apartment, in the Living Room, Katie is sitting on the couch. She is watching television. She is also eating Christmas cookies and drinking wine.
ANNOUNCER: (on television) Next on The Young and the Beautiful.
LAUREN: (on television) I can’t believe you’re alive. How did you survive that gunshot to the chest? I watched you bleed out in front of me.
Then, there is a knock at the door. Katie shuts off the TV.
KATIE: I know what you’re going through. I really do. Gosh, who knew a soap opera could be so true to my life.
Katie sets everything down on the coffee table, stands, and walks to the door. When she opens the door, a smile comes across her face.
KATIE: Henry, what are you doing here?
HENRY: I’m here to bring you some Christmas cheer.
Henry holds up two bags.
In Oakdale Park, Valerie picks up her purse.
LUCINDA: Listen here, you better start giving me answers. Or else, I’ll get them for myself. And, I promise that if I do get them for myself, I will know more about you then you want anyone to know. So, we can do this the easy way. Or, we can do this the hard way. Your choice. And, trust me, I rarely let one make the choice.
VALERIE: Alright! Fine! I’ll tell you!
LUCINDA: Start talking.
VALERIE: John Dixon is my father. And, you could be my mother!
LUCINDA: What the hell did you just say to me, young lady?
VALERIE: I think you heard me.
At Oakdale Courthouse, in Courtroom 3, Tom is standing behind the table on the right. He opens his briefcase and gets out a legal pad that apparently has notes on it. Then, an Office escorts a handcuffed Julian into the courtroom. Julian and the Officer walk over to Tom.
TOM: Well, well, well, don’t you clean up nice for an arraignment?
JULIAN: I try.
TOM: You know, I think the officer here should take you to your seat. The judge and the public defender will be arriving shortly.
Julian let’s out a little laugh.
TOM: What’s so funny?
JULIAN: You think I would really let myself be represented by a public defender? Come on, Tom. You have got to be joking.
TOM: So, the public defender isn’t taking your case? Then, who is? Let me guess, you’re going to represent yourself?
JULIAN: Look, I have a damn good lawyer representing me.
TOM: Oh, yeah? Who?
A man then walks up to Tom and taps him on the shoulder. Tom turns around. He is actually quite shocked at who he sees.
TOM: Are you serious?
JULIAN: Tom, meet my attorney.
MAN: Hello, Tom. Longtime...no see.
The camera pans over to the man who is revealed to be CASS WINTHROP!

At The Intruder, in Emily’s Office, Emily and Paul are standing by Emily’s desk. Emily is pouring champagne into two glasses. Once done, she sets the bottle down next to the glasses. She then takes both glasses, hands one to Paul, and keeps one for herself.
EMILY: I can’t believe the paper is mine again.
PAUL: All is as it should be.
EMILY: You can say that again.
PAUL: I see you wasted no time changing the name back to what it used to be. I like that this paper is once again The Intruder.
EMILY: I like it too. I just wanted to get all signs of Diego Santana out of this building. I think changing the name back was quite the start.
PAUL: Speaking of Diego, I have a question for you concerning him.
EMILY: Okay. What’s the question?
PAUL Do you think him selling you back the paper was all apart of some evil plan? Or, do you think he really was trying to be generous?
At Lily and Holden’s Home, in the Living Room, Sierra, Marshall, Lily, and Holden are standing around the living room. Each of them are drinking a glass of red wine.
LILY: I am so happy that you two are finally getting married.
HOLDEN: It is about time.
SIERRA: (laughs) We thought the same thing.
HOLDEN: Hey, Marshall, what do you say we go ditch these glasses of wine for bottles of beer? And, I can also show you around the stables.
MARSHALL: That sounds good to me. Mind if I go, honey?
SIERRA: Not at all. I could use some time with my sister.
MARSHALL: You got it.
Marshall and Sierra kiss.
MARSHALL: I love you.
SIERRA: I love you too.
Marshall and Holden then walk out of the room. Sierra and Lily then walk over to the couch. Both of them sit down next to one another.
LILY: So, I wanna hear about everything.
Back at Katie’s Apartment, in the Living Room, Katie and Henry are sitting on the couch. They are doing Christmas time crafts.
KATIE: This has actually turned out to be a lot of fun. Thank you so much for bringing these things over. I like making my own Rudolph.
HENRY: Babs usually doesn’t like doing these. She hates that the hot glue gets everywhere. But, I thought you might like doing these. So, I brought them over.
KATIE: You are such a good friend.
HENRY: I try.
KATIE: I mean it, Henry. You have really taken care of me through the years. You really have. Anytime I am in a jam, you are always right there to pick up the pieces.
HENRY: I’ll always be here for you, Katie. That’s what friends are for.
KATIE: Can you honestly make that promise, Henry?
HENRY: You bet I can.
Henry and Katie look up from their crafts to smile at one another.
Back at the Oakdale Courthouse, in Courtroom 3, the Officer escorts Julian to his table. Cass opens the gate and goes to Tom.
TOM: How are you, Cass?
CASS: I’m doing great.
TOM: So, did you really fly all the way from Bay City to represent Julian Stenbeck? Did you really up and leave Lila for a couple of days to work on this case?
CASS: I did.
TOM: Why? Why would you represent the man who killed Margo’s father? My god, to this day, you and Margo are still friends. Hell, I thought we were still friends.
CASS: First of all, it has been a long time since I defended Margo for murder. Second of all, it has also been a long time since I worked with Jessica and you. Tom, Julian is offering me a lot of money here. I can’t turn this case down. Also, whatever happened to innocent till proven guilty?
TOM: Turn on the damn news, Cass. It is no secret that Julian Stenbeck is just like his brother. He commits one crime after another.
CASS: That may be. However, I believe in my clients. Now, if you will excuse me, I have a job to do. Tell Margo I said ‘hello’.
Cass walks away from Tom and over to Julian.
Back at The Intruder, in Emily’s Office, Emily takes a drink of her champagne.
EMILY: You know, I thought about that for a hot second. I thought that maybe Diego is planning some evil plot against me. However, now, I don’t think that’s the case.
PAUL: What brought on the change of heart?
EMILY: I realized that I don’t want to focus on Diego Santana anymore. He is finally gone. That means all the hurt and pain I’ve ever felt is gone. Now, I just want to run this paper and help those impacted by sexual assault get the help they need.
PAUL: Good for you. I’m proud of you.
EMILY: Thank you for saying that.
Paul and Emily move closer to one another and kiss passionately.
Back at Lily and Holden’s Home, in the Living Room, Lily and Sierra set their wine glasses down on the table in front of them.
LILY: So, how did he propose to you?
SIERRA: It was so beautiful. As you know, Marshall is running for Mayor. And, we went to his first debate. Anyway, we went out for dinner and he proposed.
LILY: Candlelight?
SIERRA: Of course.
LILY: He’s a keeper.
SIERRA: I thought the same thing.
LILY: (laughs) So, let me see this ring, sis.
Lily grabs Sierra hand. The two smile down at the ring.
LILY: I’m so happy for you.
SIERRA: Thank you. That means a lot.
Back in Oakdale Park, Lucinda walks passed Valerie. She is still holding the envelope. As Valerie turns around, so does Lucinda.
LUCINDA: How in the hell could I be your mother?
VALERIE: Look, I’m just as confused as you are. I always knew that my father was John. That was no secret. However, I never knew who my mother was. My biological mother, that is. When I was born, my father sent me away. John wanted nothing to do with me.
LUCINDA: Why not?
VALERIE: He always said he didn’t want the person who was my mother finding out that they were my mother. I know it sounds crazy. But, in time, through letters we would send to one another, I came to understand.
LUCINDA: I’m glad you understand. I sure as hell don’t. So, let me ask you this. Why now? Why come to town now? After all these years?
VALERIE: Well, I heard of my father’s passing. And, I was going to come to Oakdale during his funeral. However, you must understand that I come from a very poor family. I didn’t live a life full of riches.
LUCINDA: This is all too much. I can’t believe this.
VALERIE: I know how you feel.
LUCINDA: So, you said I might be your mother?
LUCINDA: Well, let’s go to the hospital right now and order a DNA test.
VALERIE: Actually, we can’t.
LUCINDA: Why not?
VALERIE: There’s someone else who could potentially be my mother. And, without getting their DNA, these tests would be pointless.
LUCINDA: Who else has been called into question?
VALERIE: A woman by the name of Susan.
LUCINDA: Burke? Susan Burke Stewart?
LUCINDA: Oh dear God. So, Susan or myself could be your mother. Wow. What a day this has turned out to be. What a day indeed.
Back at the Oakdale Courthouse, in Courtroom 3, at one table, Tom is seated. At another, Julian and Cass are seated. Over by the bench, a Bailiff is standing. Next to the Bailiff, is a Record Keeper who is typing up notes. She is sitting at a small table.
BAILIFF: All rise! The honorable Judge Carson presiding.
Everyone stands up. Judge Carson enters the courtroom. She walks up to the bench and takes a seat. She sets a file down in front of her.
JUDGE CARSON: You may be seated.
Everyone sits down.
JUDGE CARSON: Today we are here to discuss the matters revolving around case number 18 3 00045 8. Which is, the People of Oakdale verses Julian Stenbeck. This evening, the matter of bail is being discussed. District Attorney Hughes, will the state be granting bail to Mr. Stenbeck?
TOM: (standing) Your honor, at this time, the state is denying bail for Julian Stenbeck. Because of his long list of crimes and misdeeds, we ask that he never even see the light of day.
CASS: (standing) Your honor, that is absurd! My client had to go into hiding because of his brother’s dangerous past. I think he has suffered enough. I think...
JUDGE CARSON: Mr. Winthrop, this is not a trial. You are not presenting in front of 12 jurors. Please, take a seat.
Cass sits down. So does Tom.
JUDGE CARSON: Mr. Stenbeck, you truly do have quite the list of crimes. However, your attorney did make a good point. That is why I am willing to reason with you. Bail will be granted. Bail is set at one million dollars.
Judge Carson bangs his gavel.
JUDGE CARSON: Court adjourned.
The camera pans to Julian then to Tom. Both men look at one another. The tension builds. The camera cuts and zooms on both of them.
***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 141***
***END OF EP. 141***
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