Tuesday, November 28, 2017

EP 138 - Margo Confronts Julian!

Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Written By: Martin C. Layton
Executive Producer: Dawn Gregory


At the Snyder Farm, in the Kitchen, Jack and Carly are sitting at the kitchen table. Both of them are having coffee and eating breakfast. The camera pans off from the front cover of the morning edition of the newspaper. On the front cover is a picture of Julian with the title: OAKDALE VILLAIN BACK FROM THE DEAD! Jack then puts down the newspaper.

CARLY: Sorry that your case has completely been ruined.

JACK: Grant Gibson was my last hope of bringing up any charges on anyone for what Diana was trying to do to Steve.

CARLY: So, has Margo given you any updates yet on Julian?

JACK: No. God, this whole thing is insane.

CARLY: It really is. I have a feeling that this town is about to be rocked to its core.

JACK: That’s interesting. I had the same feeling too.

CARLY: Hey, are you sure it was a good idea to hire Margo to work this case? I mean, do you think that you and the current Mayor made the right decision?

JACK: I think we did. It is high time Margo gets the justice she’s been looking for. I just hope that we can convict Julian to the fullest extent of the law.

At the Walsh Mansion, LIly and Sierra walk up to the door.

LILY: I feel so bad for mom.

SIERRA: Me too.

LILY: I can’t believe she lost another man that she has feelings for.

SIERRA: I hope we can get through to her.

LILY: Me too.

Sierra then rings the doorbell. A couple of seconds later, Lucinda opens the door.

LUCINDA: Girls, what in the world are you doing here?

SIERRA: We are here to talk to you. We know what happened last night. We know that Grant died right before your eyes.

LILY: Let us help you, mom. Please.

LUCINDA: I need you to leave. Right now!

At the Oakdale Police Department, in the Interrogation Room, Julian is sitting at the table. He is also handcuffed to the table. A couple seconds later, Margo enters.

MARGO: Morning, Julian.

JULIAN: Good morning, Margo.

MARGO: I assume you’ve been told that the Mayor and Commissioner Jack Snyder have brought me in to work on your case?

JULIAN: I’ve been filled in.

MARGO: Good. Then, you also know that I will convict your ass if it is the last thing that I do. So, tell me, Julian, are you ready to spend the rest of your life in prison?

At Dusty’s Home, in the Living Room, Dusty and Rosanna are standing over by the couch. They are kissing one another passionately.

ROSANNA: (coming off the kiss) I am so glad that you are okay.

DUSTY: I’m just happy to be here.

ROSANNA: How are you doing with all of this?

DUSTY: I’m doing okay.

ROSANNA: Dusty, you can open up to me.

DUSTY: I know I can. And, I truly am doing fine.

ROSANNA: Look, I am so sorry that this whole thing is happening to you. I know how much you hate Julian. And, you hate him rightfully so. But, I need you to make me a promise.

DUSTY: What do you need me to promise you?

ROSANNA: That if Julian does not get punished for the crimes he committed before he was presumed dead, that you won’t go gunning for him. So, tell me, can you make this promise to me, Dusty? Can you promise me that you won’t take the law into your hands?

At Java Underground, Casey and Tom are sitting at a table in the center of the cafe. Both men are drinking coffee.

CASEY: I’m so glad that you and mom are okay.

TOM: We’re happy to be okay.

CASEY: So, Julian is really back from the dead?

TOM: As shocking as it may seem, it’s true.

CASEY: I heard the Mayor and Jack hired mom to help them get justice for everyone that Julian has wronged in the world.

TOM: Yes, they have.

CASEY: So, let me ask you this. Do you think that’s a good idea? Or, do you think that mom might let her emotions get the best of her?

Back at the Snyder Farm, Carly and Jack enter the Living Room.

CARLY: You know what? I’m happy for Margo.
Carly and Jack sit down on the couch.

CARLY:  I hope that she helps you kick Julian’s ass right into a cell. I hope that man goes away for a really long time.

JACK: You and me both.

CARLY: I can’t believe that Julian is back from the dead.

JACK: He apparently has his brother’s genes.

CARLY: I would say so.

JACK: I just hope we can do something to him that we never got to do with James. And, what I mean by that is throwing Julian in a cell for a very long time.

CARLY: I hope everything works out. I really do.

JACK: Yeah. Me too.

Back at Dusty’s Home, in the Living Room, Dusty and Rosanna sit on the couch.

ROSANNA: Dusty, I need you to promise me this. Please.

DUSTY: Rosanna, I promise that I won’t take the law into my own hands.

ROSANNA: Thank you for promising me that. It means alot to me.

DUSTY: Look, I have gone through enough already. You are sick. I have a grandchild on the way. Now is not the time for me to act all macho when it comes to Julian.

ROSANNA: I’m glad that you agree with me. Look, I’m sure that the police will get justice for what Julian did to Janet. But, I’m sure she is smiling down on you right now knowing that you aren’t going to do anything bad.

DUSTY: I miss her so much. But, I know you are right about this. I know that she would want me to let the police handle this.

ROSANNA: (laughs) You know, I’m right about a lot of things.

DUSTY: Yes, you most certainly are.

ROSANNA: I love you, Dusty.

DUSTY: I love you too.

Dusty and Rosanna kiss one another.

Back at Java Underground, Tom takes a sip of his coffee. He then sets it in front of him and leans into his conversation.

TOM: Look, your mother was the Commissioner for years upon years. She knows how to not let her emotions get the best of her. Now, I know that this case is going to tug at her heartstrings. Julian killed her father. However, I know your mother can remain strong. And, we will help her do just that.

CASEY: There’s no question about that. How are you doing?

TOM: I’m doing well. And, I am going to be just fine. Don’t worry about me, son. Let’s just look out for your mother. Deal?

CASEY: Deal.

Back at the Walsh Mansion, in the Foyer, Lily leans up against the door.

LILY: Mom, we aren’t leaving you. Now, will you let us inside? It is getting pretty darn cold out here. Come on. Let us in. Please.

LUCINDA: I don’t mean to push you two out…

SIERRA: Then, don’t.

LUCINDA: I don’t want company right now.

LILY: Mom, we are here for you. We are here so you can lean on us. What you went through last night was a traumatic experience. You know that I am working through my PTSD. Let me help push you in the direction away from the nightmare I have been through.

SIERRA: Mom, you can relate to Lily. She can help you. I can help you. You just have to let us in. Let us help you get through all the pain and hurt you’ve been through.

LUCINDA: You’re right. I have been through alot of pain and hurt. But, I am dealing with it. And, the way I am dealing with it is my way. I love you both so much. And, I appreciate you coming all the way out here. I really do. However, I just need to be alone right now. I need to be alone to examine everything that has happened. Can’t you girls understand that?

SIERRA: We do understand that.

LUCINDA: Good. Now, leave. Please.

LILY: (sighs) Look, we can’t force you to let us in. However, I want you to make us a promise. Promise Sierra and I that you will call us if you need us.

SIERRA: Day or night.

LILY: Rain or shine.

LUCINDA: Okay. I’ll call you if I need you.

LILY: Okay. Love you, mom.

SIERRA: Love you.

Lily kisses Lucinda on the cheek. Sierra does the same.

LUCINDA: I love you girls too. Bye now.

LILY: Bye.

Lucinda shuts the door. She then turns around and leans up against the door. She takes a deep breath and walks into the living room. Once in the room, she turns her attention to the bar cart. She then turns to look at the clock that is above the fireplace.

LUCINDA: It’s only 10:30? Uh...who cares.

Lucinda walks over to the bar cart. She puts two ice cubes in a scotch glass. She then opens up the scotch and pours it in the glass. As she sets the bottle back on top of the cart. she picks up her alcoholic beverage.

LUCINDA: I’ve earned this.

Lucinda then takes a big swig of her drink.

Back at the Oakdale Police Department, in the Interrogation Room, Margo sits down in the chair across from Julian.

MARGO: You think you’re so clever, don’t you? You think just because you’ve escaped the law this long, that you can run away from it just a little while longer.

JULIAN: You think I’m clever? That’s very sweet of you. I like to think I’m clever too. After all, I faked my death and it fooled all of you.

MARGO: Julian, you did have us all fooled. But, that is the only time you will have us all fooled. See, this department is one step ahead of you now. We know your every move. We know how you operate. We know exactly what you will do next.

Julian then leans in close to his conversation.

JULIAN: Margo, don’t be so sure about anything you just said. I’m smarter than you give me credit for. You think you know my every move? (laughs) Guess again.

The camera the zooms in on Julian’s face.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 138***

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EP 171 - The Finale