Sunday, February 25, 2018

EP 163 - Lisa's Possible Future With Bruce




At Metro, Bruce is sitting at the bar. He is having a scotch. Then, Lisa enters the club. She sees Bruce out of the corner of her eye. She then goes to him.

LISA: Well, evening, Bruce.

BRUCE: Hello, Lisa.

LISA: How are you?

BRUCE: A little sad.

LISA: (sitting down) Why is that?

BRUCE: Because, last night we were supposed to have a date. And, you didn’t show. That is why I am sad. All because I didn’t get to spend a night with you.

LISA: Well aren’t you sweet.

Lisa smiles at Bruce.

At Finders/Keepers, in Margo and Katie’s Shared Office, Margo is sitting at her desk. She is looking through a file, trying to concentrate. She then takes off her reading glasses and lets out a sigh. The camera zooms in on Margo, she is becoming deep in thought. Then, there is a knock at the door. Margo sits up straight.

MARGO: Come in!

Tom enters, shutting the door behind him.

TOM: Hey, honey.

MARGO: Hey. What brings you by?

TOM: We need to talk.

MARGO: Okay. What’s up?

TOM: I just got word that an hour ago, Julian Stenbeck went into a coma.

At the Oakdale Police Department, in Jack’s Office, Vanessa is standing over by her desk. She is looking at video surveillance footage. Then, Jack enters.

JACK: Hello, Agent Russell.

VANESSA: Commissioner. Hello.

JACK: How are you?

VANESSA: Good, you.

JACK: I’m doing great since you decided to stay with us and help us investigate this case involving Julian Stenbeck.

VANESSA: I’m happy to do it.

JACK: Great. How is the review of the back alley camera footage going?

VANESSA: It’s actually going quite well. I think I might’ve found something.

JACK: Wait. Really?


JACK: What’d you find?

VANESSA: Take a look for yourself.

Jack walks up to Vanessa’s computer. Vanessa then presses the spacebar. On the screen, an unidentified person is seen walking out of the penthouse building into the back alley. Then, the person is seen wiping down a gun with a cloth. Then, the person dumps the gun into the dumpster.

JACK: Oh my god. This is huge.

VANESSA: My thoughts exactly.

JACK: Before we move on with this whole thing, there’s someone I need to introduce you to. I’ve brought this woman in to help us investigate. In fact, once we find that gun, she can help us search for prints...if they’re on any.

VANESSA: Okay. Who is this person?

Jack walks over to the door. He then opens the door. In walks a woman wearing a white pantsuit and a pair of nude pumps. She is holding a briefcase.

JACK: Vanessa Russell, meet Danielle Andropoulos. Danielle, meet Vanessa.

DANIELLE: Hello. Nice to meet you.

ANNOUNCER: The role of Danielle Alexandra Andropoulos is now being played by Melissa Claire Egan.
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Danielle shakes Vanessa hand. The camera zooms in on her.

At Sierra’s Penthouse, in the Living Room, Sierra backs away from Marshall.

SIERRA: How could you do this to me? How could you do this to us? How could you do this to everything we’ve built? We worked so hard to build this perfect life for ourselves. I let you move into my heart and into my home. And, this is how you treat me?

MARSHALL: Sierra, I never meant to hurt you.

SIERRA: Never meant to hurt me?! That, that right there is the most stupid thing I have ever heard! How, how did you expect me not to get hurt from this?!

MARSHALL: Look, I love another woman. However, that does not mean that I don’t still love you. I just think that you deserve a man who can treat you better.

SIERRA: Damn right I do you son-of-a-bitch! Look, I have been unlucky in love before. I have. And, because of all the hurt I have gone through when it comes to love, that made it hard for me to open up my heart for another man. But, I opened up my heart for you. And, that is a decision I will regret for the rest of my life!

At Katie’s Apartment, in the Living Room, Katie is pacing around her couch. Then, there is a knock at the door. Katie goes over to the door.

KATIE: (opening the door) Hey. Thanks for coming.

HENRY: (entering) Yeah. No problem.

Katie shuts the door, turns around, and goes to Henry.

HENRY: So, why’d you call me over here?

KATIE: I just really needed a friend right now.

HENRY: Okay. What’s going on?

KATIE: You’ve heard about Julian, right? You’ve heard about what happened to him. And, you’ve heard that he has slipped into a coma?

HENRY: Yeah. I’ve heard about all of that.

KATIE: Okay. Good.

HENRY: So, what’s going on?

KATIE: Well, I think I might have caused him to go into that coma.

HENRY: Katie, what do you mean?

KATIE: I did something bad, Henry.

HENRY: Wait. Hold up. Did you shoot him?

Back at Metro, Lisa is having a glass of club soda. She takes a sip of her club soda. Then, she sets the glass down in front of her.

LISA: You know, I had no choice but to miss our date.

BRUCE: Really? Well, why do you say that?

LISA: Because, I had a late night meeting with some very important businessmen who invest in the LakeView and in my restaurant.

BRUCE: I see. Well, that’s a good excuse. After all, we both know how important business meetings are. I sold shoes for over forty years.

LISA: Bruce, it isn’t an excuse. And, after that, I had to meet with Barbara Coleman to discuss my column that her company publishes.

BRUCE: Speaking of your column, I really like it.

LISA: Do you now?

BRUCE: Yes. I especially loved that article you did on marriages. You know the one that was titled, How Many Times Is Too Much?

LISA: Thanks for the compliment. And, considering how many times I’ve walked down the aisle, that was a fun article to write.

BRUCE: You know, I’ve always thought about the life we could have had. If you would’ve left Bob decades ago, we could’ve been married.

LISA: Bruce, I wouldn’t have married you in a million years. And, even if I did, I wouldn’t have been very faithful to you.

Back at Sierra’s Penthouse, in the Living Room, Sierra wipes away tears from her eyes. She then lets out a sigh and sniffles.

SIERRA: You know, I keep going over our relationship in my head. I keep thinking about how happy we’ve always been. And, I can’t believe that in one night, just one night, how whole life has been ruined.

MARSHALL: I’m trying to do the right thing.

SIERRA: The right thing would’ve been to keep it in your pants! The right thing would’ve been to not screw Iva! Those would’ve been the right things to do. You are trying to soften the blow of our engagement imploding by telling me that you want me to live my best life. I was living my best life! I was living it with you! I was happy with you! You were my everything! And, you go and do this to me.

Marshall gets closer to Sierra and holds out his hand.

SIERRA: Don’t you dare touch me! Your hands have been all over Iva. They have been touching her. They have been caressing her. I don’t want the filth of your affair touching my body. Do you understand me?

MARSHALL: Tell me how I can make this up to you.

SIERRA: You can’t. You can’t make this up to me. The damage has been done. The damage is too severe. What you have done has ruined everything. Anyway, you should get down to your headquarters. You haven’t heard anything about the election. You need to focus.

MARSHALL: I don’t care about that right now.

SIERRA: Don’t you get it? I don’t want you here! I don’t want you in my home! I don’t want to see your face! Get the hell out of my house! Now!

MARSHALL: (sighs) Okay. Emotions are high right now. I get that.

SIERRA: Damn right they are.

MARSHALL: So, I’m gonna go now. But, I will be back. This isn’t over, Sierra. We have a lot to talk about. Okay?

SIERRA: Not okay. You told me that you don’t want to be with me. You have chosen her. That’s the end of the story. I will have your things sent to you. Okay? You are not allowed back in my home, you son-of-a-bitch.

MARSHALL: I understand.

Marshall grabs his coat and keys and walks out of the home. Once Sierra sees and hears the door shuts, she begins to cry. She is trying to be silent while crying. The camera zooms in on her.

Back at Finders/Keepers, in Margo and Katie’s Shared Office, Margo is now standing over by Tom. She is holding a cup of coffee.

MARGO: Wow. I can’t believe he slipped into a coma.

TOM: Same here. Apparently, he had to go back into surgery. They had to repair his long intestine. However, he lost too much blood during the surgery.

MARGO: Wow. That’s too bad.

TOM: You keep saying ‘wow’ a lot. Are you okay?

MARGO: Yeah. I’m fine. I’m just in shock.

TOM: Oh. I see. I’m sure he’s gonna be fine.

MARGO: I’m sure he’ll be fine too. But, with him being in a coma, we both know he can’t identify his shooter at this very moment.

TOM: Yeah. He can’t.

MARGO: I’m sure the police will be digger ten times harder.

TOM: I know for a fact that they are. Anyway, I just wanted to stop by here, see you, and deliver that news. Now I have to get over to the courthouse. I have to file a late night restraining order. Have a good night, honey. I love you.

Tom kisses Margo.

MARGO: I love you too.

Tom exits the office. Margo takes a sip of her coffee. The camera then zooms in on her. She begins to become very deep in thought. Then, the sound of gunshots are heard. It appears the sound is coming from a memory she is having. Margo drops her mug. It shatters. She gasp and looks down at the mug.

Back at Katie’s Apartment, in the Living Room, Katie crosses her arms.

KATIE: No, I didn’t shoot Julian.

HENRY: Then, what are you talking about?

KATIE: (sighs) Henry, there is a lot you don’t know about what happened that night. Hell, there’s still a lot I don’t know about that night.

HENRY: Katie, please, tell me what you are talking about.

KATIE: I think I saw the shooter.

At Marshall’s Campaign Headquarters, in a Small Office, Marshall and Iva enter the office. Marshall closes the door behind them.

IVA: You know, you better get back out there. You were already late to the start of the election coverage. And, you are winning at the moment. People and the press need to see you upfront. So, come on. Let’s go.

MARSHALL: We’ll get back out there in a minute. I just need to talk to you right now. I need to tell you what happened between Sierra and I.

IVA: Oh my god. You told her?

MARSHALL: Yes. I did. I told her.

IVA: How’d she take it?

MARSHALL: Not well at all.

IVA: Well, I can see why.

MARSHALL: I’d just lock your doors.

IVA: I’m gonna stop you right there. I am not scared of Sierra. I have you. That is all that matters to me. You are a new chapter in my life. And, I can’t wait to start writing that chapter...with you. I love you, Marshall. And, Sierra cannot take away that love from me.

MARSHALL: I love you too.

Marshall kisses Iva passionately.

IVA: Now, let’s get back out there and win this damn race.

MARSHALL: I agree.

Iva and Marshall begin to exit the office.

Back at Metro, Bruce takes a sip of his drink.

BRUCE: Why is that, Lisa?

LISA: Bruce, back when we had our affair, I was a different woman. I had more of a gusto for life. I didn’t want to be tied down. That’s the whole point as to why I had an affair with you. Bob wanted me barefoot and pregnant. I wanted to wear a short skirt and go out dancing. A real marriage suited me. I guess that’s why I was married nine times. I would get bored with a man and then throw them off to the side. And, in the end, I think I would’ve gotten bored with you. No man could ever fulfill my needs for a long amount of time. Not even my sweet Eduardo, may he rest in peace.

BRUCE: I beg to differ with you Lisa. I think we would’ve gotten along in a marriage just fine. But, now, we’ll never know. We’ll never know what could’ve been. All we know is what could still possibly be. That is why I am asking you for a second chance. Please, Lisa, let me be apart of your life again. Let me sweep you off your feet. God only knows how much time we both have left on this Earth. That is why I want to be the one that loves you as much as you need it. I will give you all of my love. You just have to be willing to accept it. So, will you let me in to your life again, Lisa? Please.

Back at Katie’s Apartment, in the Living Room, Katie and Henry sit down on the couch. Henry takes her hands and sighs.

HENRY: You think you saw the shooter?

KATIE: Yeah. I think so.

HENRY: Okay. Fill me in on exactly what happened.

KATIE: I had gone to Julian’s penthouse that night. I was so angry. And, I wanted to tell him off. To tell you the truth, I had a gun with me too.


KATIE: Just in case things got out of hand. You know how he can be. Anyway, I went there with every intention of confronting him. However, by the time I got there, he had been shot. I rushed over to him very quickly. I called 9-1-1. Then, I heard something outside. So, I rushed to his balcony and I got on the balcony, and I looked down at the alleyway.

HENRY: And…?

KATIE: And, I saw someone put something into a dumpster and then run off.

HENRY: Oh my god. Katie, this is huge. Why haven’t you told the police?

KATIE: Because, I can’t be 100 percent sure of what I saw. It could’ve been anything. It could’ve been a druggie putting a needle in the dumpster. It could’ve been anyone.

HENRY: Katie, we have to go to the police. You have to tell them what you saw.

KATIE: But, if I do, then I have to tell them the real reason why I went there. And, I could implicate myself by saying that I brought a gun. They could I think I shot Julian and I’m lying. They could turn the tables on me so fast.

HENRY: (sighs) Damn. You’ve got a point. Let’s call Tom.

KATIE: Tom? Why my brother-in-law?

HENRY: He could provide you legal advice. Either way, the police need to know what happened. And, you need to find a way to tell them.

KATIE: Okay. Okay. Yeah. Go ahead. Call Tom.

HENRY: Okay. I will. Katie, everything will be just fine.

KATIE: I hope you’re right. I really do.

Back at the Oakdale Police Department, in Vanessa’s Office, Vanessa, Jack, and Danielle are sitting around a table watching the surveillance footage.

JACK: So, do you think you’ll be able to get some form of prints?

DANIELLE: I think so. I mean, they might have touched the gun with their bare hands before touching it with the gloves. And, it hasn’t been in the trash that long. I’m just worried that it might’ve been touched by some number of people already.

VANESSA: That was my biggest worry too.

DANIELLE: On a side note, do you recognize this person?

JACK: No. I don’t.

DANIELLE: Wait. Go back. Just a couple of seconds and pause it.

Vanessa presses the BACK ARROW key and hits the space bar.

JACK: What is it? Do you recognize the person?

DANIELLE: I do. I’m think the person in this footage is Barbara Coleman.

The camera pans to everyone in the room. Then, the camera cuts back to Danielle and zooms in on her puzzling expression.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 163***

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EP 171 - The Finale