Saturday, December 23, 2017

EP 146 - Susan Helps A Broken Lucinda

Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Gregory
Co-Executive Producer: Casey Hutchison


At the AIDS/HIV Research Center, in Iva’s Office, the camera pans off from Iva and Marshall kiss. The two then stop kissing and pause. After a couple of seconds, Iva picks up her purse. Iva and Marshall stand.

IVA: Oh my god. We kissed.

MARSHALL: Iva...I...I…

IVA: No. No. No. I did that. I kissed you. Oh god. Oh my god. This should’ve never happened. I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me. What have I done? I’m so sorry.

MARSHALL: Iva…, don’t be sorry.

IVA: What?

Marshall then kisses Iva passionately.

At Ruffles, Sheila and Parker are sitting in a booth. Sheila is drinking a glass of wine. Parker is having a beer.

SHEILA: I’m so glad that we decided to spend tonight together.

PARKER: Me too. It makes things that more special.

SHEILA: I can’t believe tomorrow is our wedding day. A Christmas Eve wedding. This all seems like some sort of fairy tale.

PARKER: Tomorrow is going to be the best day of both of our lives.

SHEILA: Yes, yes it will be. And, I can’t wait.

PARKER: Here’s to us.

SHEILA: Here’s to us.

Sheila and Parker clink their glasses.

At Dusty’s Home, in the Living Room, Madison is hanging an ornament from the Christmas tree. Then, Johnny enters. He is holding his phone.

JOHNNY: I just got a text from my dad.


JOHNNY: And, him and Rosanna should be here any second now.

Madison walks over to Johnny.

MADISON: Do you think Rosanna will like our winter wonderland?

JOHNNY: I think she’ll love it. Rosanna has always loved Christmas. At least that is what I’ve been told. (laughs) I hope we did her holiday spirit justice.

MADISON: I think we did.

Then, the door is heard opening. Dusty and Rosanna enter the room.

DUSTY: Hi, everyone!

JOHNNY: Dad. Rosanna. Hi.

ROSANNA: This place looks amazing.

MADISON: Thank you. (laughs) It’s all for you.

ROSANNA: You guys decorated the house for me?

DUSTY: They sure did.

JOHNNY: Do you like it?

ROSANNA: Like it? I love it!

MADISON: Wonderful. Look, Rosanna, I know you’re tired. But, Johnny and I were wondering if you want to stay awake for a Christmas movie and some hot chocolate.

ROSANNA: I would love nothing more. So, what are we watching?

The camera zooms in on Rosanna’s smiling face.

At the Oakdale Cemetery, Susan is holding a bouquet of flowers. She then walks up to John’s grave. As she sets the flowers down on the grave, she notices a pair of feet sticking out from behind the grave. She then walks around the grave and sees Lucinda.

SUSAN: Oh. My. God. Oh my god! (bending down) Oh my god! Lucinda! Lucinda! Lucinda! Can you hear me?! Lucinda! Wake up! Oh god. Please, wake up. Lucinda!

Back at Dusty’s Home, Rosanna, Madison, Dusty, and Johnny are sitting around the television. They are watching a Christmas movie. The light from the television is glowing on their faces. Rosanna then looks up at Dusty. They smile at one another. They then kiss. Then, they go back to watching the movie.

Back at Ruffles, Sheila and Parker are smiling at one another. They are also drinking their alcoholic beverages. Both of them then laugh. It is apparent they are in the middle of a joking conversation.

At the Walsh Mansion, Lucinda and Susan enter the home. Lucinda is leaning on Susan. Susan shuts the door behind them.

SUSAN: Let’s get you to bed.

Susan takes Lucinda’s to the stairs.

Back at the AIDS/HIV Research Center, in Iva’s Office, Iva and Marshall walk over to Iva’s desk. Marshall pushes Iva up against the desk.

IVA: Marshall…


IVA: Make love to me.

Marshall then begins to kiss Iva. Iva wraps her arms around him.

Back at the Walsh Mansion, in Lucinda’s Bedroom, Susan is helping Lucinda into her bed. Susan then covers Lucinda up.

SUSAN: Do you need anything else?

LUCINDA: I’m fine. Thank you.

SUSAN: Okay.


SUSAN: Yeah?

LUCINDA: Thank you for getting me home.

SUSAN: Of course. Of course, Lucinda. (sighs) Now go to sleep, honey. Just close your eyes and go to sleep. Tomorrow is a new day.

Lucinda shuts her eyes. Susan watches her sleep. She feels nothing but hurt for Lucinda. This comes across in her facial expression.

Back at the AIDS/HIV Research Center, Iva is sitting on top of the desk. Marshall is slowly and seductively unbuttoning her blouse.

IVA: Oh screw it.

Iva then rips open her shirt.

IVA: Kiss me. Oh god...kiss me.

Marshall kisses Iva’s neck. She is now absolutely breathless. The camera pans out from the situation that is going on.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 146***

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