Tuesday, December 19, 2017

EP 144 - The Mystery Donor


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Written By: Martin C. Layton
Executive Producer: Dawn Gregory


At Memorial Hospital, on the 5th Floor, Lucinda sets her purse on the counter.

SUSAN: Well, what can I do for you two?

LUCINDA: We need a DNA test. And, we also need a sample from you.

SUSAN: What? What are you talking about? I don’t understand.

Lucinda and Valerie are silent.

SUSAN: Lucinda…, Valerie…, what’s going on here?

VALERIE: Maybe, we should go somewhere more private.

LUCINDA: I agree.

SUSAN: No, we will not go anywhere until someone tells me what in the hell is going on here. I demand that someone gives me some answers.

VALERIE: Fine. You’re right. This has been kept a secret from you for far too long, Susan. You do deserve some answers.

SUSAN: Valerie, what are you talking about?

VALERIE: You could be my mother, Susan.

SUSAN: Pardon me? What did you just say?

At the Snyder Farm, in the Living Room, Parker enters the room. Carly shuts the door, turns around, and walks over to him.

CARLY: Thank you for coming over so quickly.

PARKER: No problem. What’s up, mom?

CARLY: We need to have a little chat.

PARKER: Okay. What’s going on?

CARLY: When were you going to tell me that you and Sheila are planning to get married next week? I mean, my goodness, am I even invited to the wedding?

At FairWinds, in the Living Room, Emily is sitting down on the couch. She is looking at a donor chart for her foundation on her I-Pad.

EMILY: What in the world? Someone donated 50,000 dollars to my foundation? This can’t be right. I have to see who donated all of this money.

Emily clicks a file on her tablet. Then, Paul enters the living room.

EMILY: Oh my god.

PAUL: Hey, honey. What’s up?

EMILY: (looking up) Someone donated 50,000 dollars to my foundation.

PAUL: Wow. That’s...wow.

EMILY: My thoughts exactly. But, I was more shocked at who donated the cash.

PAUL: Well, who donated all that money to your foundation?

EMILY: Diego Santana.

Back at Memorial Hospital, in the Waiting Room, Dusty, Johnny, and Madison are all sitting down. Then, Dusty gets up and let’s out a deep breath.

JOHNNY: Dad, are you okay?

DUSTY: Yeah…, I’m fine.

JOHNNY: Hey, the surgery just started. It is going to be awhile. Do you want to come down to the cafeteria with Madison and I, and grab a snack?

DUSTY: No, I'm fine.

Johnny and Madison stand and go to Dusty.

MADISON: Look, I know how hard this waiting thing can be. But, Rosanna wouldn’t want you pacing around this waiting room like this.

JOHNNY: Madison’s right.

DUSTY: (sighs) Maybe she is. I just wish these things wouldn’t take so long.

MADISON: I agree. We can always bring you something. Is there anything you are craving? (laughs) I know it is a hospital cafeteria, but there is ice cream.

DUSTY: I’m fine. Thanks though.

MADISON: Of course.

JOHNNY: Hey, will you update us while we are down there? That is if you hear anything. And, just in case, I will have my ringer on.

DUSTY: No problem. Go on.

JOHNNY: Okay. Love you, dad.

DUSTY: I love you too, son.

Johnny and Madison walk out of the room. As the door is heard shutting, the camera pans back and zooms in on Dusty.

At CT Designs, in Craig’s Office, Craig is sitting behind his desk. He is typing on his computer. As he continues to type, there is a knock at the door.

CRAIG: Come in!

Betsy enters and shuts the door behind her.

BETSY: Good afternoon, Craig.

CRAIG: (looking up) Betsy, hi.


CRAIG: What can I help you with?

BETSY: I just thought we needed to have a talk.

CRAIG: A talk about…?

BETSY: Diana.

Back at FairWinds, in the Living Room, Emily powers down her I-Pad. She sets it on the table, gets up from the couch, and goes to Paul.

PAUL: Diego was the one to make that sizeable donation?

EMILY: Apparently.

PAUL: Why would he do that?

EMILY: I have no clue. But, he did express interest in my foundation before he left town. He said he wanted to donate to me directly. However, I shot him down. The whole reason I started this foundation was because he violated me. Anyway, I can’t stop him from making a donation via our online services.

PAUL: Are you going to return the money?

EMILY: It does put me in a sticky situation. I mean, do I take the much needed cash? Or, do I not take cash from a former rapist? I just don’t know what to do.

PAUL: How about this? You return the money to Diego, and I will give your foundation the 50 thousand. Sound like a deal?

EMILY: You would do that for me?

PAUL: In a heartbeat.

EMILY: That is so sweet of you. Thank you.

PAUL: Don’t mention it.

EMILY: I love you.

PAUL: (smiling) I love you too.

Back at Memorial Hospital, in the Cafeteria, Johnny and Madison are both eating small cups of ice cream. They walk over to a table and sit down.

MADISON: Has your dad texted you at all?

JOHNNY: Not yet.

MADISON: Hey, are you doing okay?

JOHNNY: I’m doing fine. I’m just worried about my dad.

MADISON: Rosanna is going to be just fine.

JOHNNY: I know that. But, I don’t think he does. Losing...losing the love of his life hit him hard. He can’t lose another love. It would destroy him.

MADISON: Everything will be fine. I know that it will. You and your dad have nothing to worry about. Rosanna is a fighter. And, like she told us, she has one of the top neurologist in the country operating on her. Nothing bad is going to happen to her.

Back at CT Designs, in Craig’s Office, Craig powers down his computer. Betsy then sits down across from him.

CRAIG: Why do you want to talk about Diana?

BETSY: Well, as you know, she has fled town. And, she has gone to parts unknown. In fact, the police have no chance of finding her.

CRAIG: I know. But, what does this have to do with me?

BETSY: Craig, if you know something, you need to tell me.

CRAIG: Excuse me? What are you implying?

BETSY: Do you know where she’s at, Craig?

CRAIG: You think I know where Diana jet-setted to? Betsy, I have no idea where she is at. She didn’t tell me where she was going before she left town. And, she hasn’t contacted me since she left town. I promise.

BETSY: Would you tell me if you knew?

CRAIG: Of course I would. Don’t you believe me?

BETSY: (sighs) Yes. Look, I’m sorry for biting your head off.

CRAIG: Don’t apologize. Diana put you and Steve through a lot. Look, I’m sorry I ever went along with her plan.

BETSY: Don’t worry about it. You came clean. That’s all that matters.

CRAIG: Thank you for forgiving me. That means alot to me.

BETSY: No problem.

Craig and Betsy smile at one another.

Back at the Snyder Farm, in the Living Room, Carly steps closer to Parker.

CARLY: Come on, son. Speak up now. I would like some answers.

PARKER: First of all, I was going to call you tonight and tell you. Second of all, you are invited to my wedding. Third of all, you need to cool it.

CARLY: Excuse me, young man?

PARKER: Mom, you know I’m right. God, I am so tired of this attitude of your’s. I am a grown man. And, next week, I am getting married. I would just like it if you would start showing a little support for me.

CARLY: Honey, I love you very much. But, you are still my little boy. No matter what age you are, I will always be by your side to take care of you. I will take care of you till my last breath.

PARKER: (laughs) Come on, we all know you are going to haunt me.

CARLY: (laughs) You’re probably right. Look, I know that I haven’t been the biggest cheerleader when it comes to you and Sheila. However, I do love that you have found someone to share your life with. And, I will be right by your side on your wedding day.

PARKER: Really?

CARLY: Of course. Come here.

Carly and Parker hug one another.

CARLY: I love you, son.

PARKER: I love you too, mom.

Back at Memorial Hospital, on the 5th Floor, Susan, Lucinda, and Valerie walk over to a corner of the 5th floor.

SUSAN: Valerie, what are you talking about? What is this nonsense?

VALERIE: This isn’t nonsense, Susan. I’m telling you the truth.

SUSAN: You really haven’t told me anything.

VALERIE: (sighs) This is a long story to tell. But, here it goes. John Dixon is my biological father. When I was given birth to, he put me up for adoption. Through the years, I begged him to tell me who my mother was. However, he wouldn’t because he didn’t want the mess. Nor, did he want the embarrassment of an illegitimate child. Anyway, I was so close to getting an answer from him last year. But, he passed away. It took me awhile to scrape together some cash to catch a plane here. But, I finally arrived here. For weeks, I have been searching for my mother. So, here I am.

SUSAN: You...you...you could be my child?

VALERIE: Yeah, I could. But, a DNA test needs to happen.

SUSAN: I can’t believe this.

LUCINDA: Susan, I’m just as shocked as you are. But, this needs to happen. We need to know the truth. Hell, all of us need to know the truth. One of us could have a child. Andy is back in town. He deserves to know he has a sister. But, we need to know who Valerie’s mom is first.

SUSAN: (sniffles) I guess you’re right. Let’s get this show on the road.

VALERIE: Do you need a minute?

SUSAN: Shut up.

LUCINDA: Susan, what did you just say?

SUSAN: I told Valerie to shut up! For weeks, I have struck up a friendship with you. And, this whole time you’ve been keeping this secret from me? What the hell is wrong with you?

VALERIE: Susan, I really am sorry.

SUSAN: Save your damn apologies. I don’t want an apology for you. Now, let’s get to the lab. We are putting an end to this madness, right now!

Susan walks off. Lucinda and Valerie look at each other. The camera pans to both of their faces. The camera then zooms in on Valerie.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 144***

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EP 171 - The Finale