Tuesday, December 12, 2017

EP 142 - Ellen Lowell Stewart Passes Away


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Written By: Martin C. Layton
Executive Producer: Dawn Gregory


At Susan’s Home, in the Living Room, Susan is on her cellphone.

SUSAN: (on the phone) Yes, I called everyone over. I’m just not so sure what to tell all of them. Are you doing okay sweetie? You still feel like a sister to me, Annie. I really do care. So, if you need anything, you just call me. Okay? Okay, I love you too, hon. Bye.

As Susan hangs up her phone, there is a knock at the door. She let’s out a sigh and walks over to the door.

SUSAN: (opening the door) Hello.

EMILY: Hey, mom.

BETSY: So, what’s up? Why’d you call us all here?

SUSAN: Please, come in first.

Susan backs away from the door. Then, Emily, Betsy, Paul, Steve, Alison, Casey, Paul, Eliza, Lisa, Bob, and Kim enter. Susan shuts the door and goes to them.

LISA: Alright, Susan, we are all in your home now. Which by the way, I think you could’ve dusted the place first. But, that doesn’t matter.

SUSAN: You’re right. It doesn’t.

KIM: Susan, are you okay? You seem off, dear.

SUSAN: I’m not okay, Kim. I just got quite the call.

PAUL: Who called you?

BOB: And, what was it about?

SUSAN: I don’t even know how to tell all of you this.

ALISON: Take your time. This call seems to have disturbed you.

SUSAN: It did.

CASEY: Susan, it’s okay. You can tell us. I’m sure we can all handle it.

SUSAN: (sighs) Okay. I’ll tell you all. I got news from my former sister-in-law Annie that her mother passed away this morning.

KIM: Ellen passed away?

SUSAN: I’m afraid so.

The camera pans to everyone in the room. All of them are still trying to take in the news that they have just heard.

Back at Susan’s Home, in the Living Room, everyone has split off into separate conversations. Susan is standing over by the couch.

SUSAN: I’m going to go make some tea. Excuse me, please.

Susan then walks off.

The camera pans over to Emily and Paul.

PAUL: How are you doing, honey?

EMILY: I’m fine. I’m also in disbelief. I just can’t believe my grandmother is gone. I can’t believe I’m never gonna see her again.

PAUL: I’m so very sorry for your loss.

EMILY: Thank you. Look, I think I’m going to go check on Eliza. Her and Ellen met a couple of times and got close. I just wanna make sure she is okay.

PAUL: I can come with you.

EMILY: I know I’m not her biological mother…

PAUL: Hey, she considers you her mother in every sense of the word.

EMILY: I know. That is why I think some one-on-one girl time is needed.

PAUL: Of course. I understand. I love you.

EMILY: I love you too.

Emily walks off.

The camera pans over to Betsy and Steve.

STEVE: I’m proud of you.

BETSY: Oh yeah? For what?

STEVE: Staying strong for everyone.

BETSY: Trust me, I am so close to crying my heart out.

STEVE: We can go somewhere else if you’d like.

BETSY: I think I should just stay here for my family.

STEVE: Of course. Can I get you anything?

BETSY: I’m good. Thank you, baby. I see that Emily and Eliza are over by the couch. I think I’m gonna go join them. Is that alright?

STEVE: Fine by me.

BETSY: Before I go over there though, do you mind calling Dani? I’m not so sure I could handle talking to her right now.

STEVE: I will. Don’t worry about it.

BETSY: Thank you.

Betsy smiles at Steve and walks off.
The camera pans over to Kim, Bob, and Lisa.

LISA: I really can’t believe she’s gone.

BOB: I can’t either.

KIM: Darling, have you called Donald?

BOB: Not yet. He’s probably asleep.

KIM: Probably.

LISA: Uh…, Bob, do you mind giving Kim and I a moment alone? I would really like to speak with her about Ellen.

BOB: No problem at all.

LISA: Thank you.

Bob walks off.

KIM: What’s up?

LISA: I feel extremely guilty.

KIM: Honey, why?

LISA: Do you remember when Ellen came to the anniversary party that we all threw to celebrate Chris and Nancy’s once-in-a-lifetime marriage?

KIM: Of course. She was so thrilled to have been invited.

LISA: I know. Anyway, at the party, she revealed to me that she was dying. And, I told her that it was better if she kept it to herself. I just feel so selfish, Kim.

KIM: Lisa, none of this is your fault. For decades now, Ellen has had a terrible heart condition. You are not selfish when it comes to this. Come here, dear.

Lisa and Kim hug one another.

The camera pans over to Alison and Casey. Alison has her phone out. She is looking at a picture of her and Ellen.

CASEY: I love that picture of the two of you.

ALISON: I love it too. Funny story behind this picture.

CASEY: Yeah? I would love for you to tell it to me.

ALISON: Ellen and I met face-to-face for the first time in a long time at the celebration party for Nancy and Chris last year. Anyway, we really hit it off. She wasted no time making that special family connection. I said before she left, that I wanted a selfie of the two of us. (laughs) She had no clue what a selfie was. So, I told her about it and we took one. I’m just lucky that I got to teach her something. I’m gonna miss her so much.

Casey then takes Alison in his arms.

The camera pans over to the couch. Emily and Betsy take a seat next to Eliza. Eliza then puts her phone in her purse.

EMILY: How are you doing, honey.

ELIZA: I’m okay.

BETSY: Eliza, you can tell us how you really feel.

EMILY: Your aunt is right, you know? You can tell us anything.

ELIZA: (sighs) Before you guys came over, I was looking at text messages that Ellen and I had exchanged. (laughs) I kind of taught her how to text. Anyway, the last text she sent me was ‘save a place for me at the table for Christmas dinner.’ She also mentioned that she was going to get me a huge gift. But, that didn’t matter to me. I was just happy that I was gonna get the chance to see her again.

EMILY: Honey, I’m so sorry.

Betsy takes Eliza’s hands. Eliza then leans on Emily. Then, Susan enters the room. She is holding a picture. She then steps in front of the coffee table.

SUSAN: Could I have everyone’s attention please?

Everyone turns their attention to Susan.

SUSAN: I went up to my attic. And, I found this picture of Ellen.

Susan shows everyone the picture.

SUSAN: Some say a picture is worth a thousand words. And, a picture of Ellen, certainly lives up to that saying. Through Ellen’s years of living here in Oakdale, she really found herself. For anyone who knew Ellen when she was younger, you saw someone who’s life wasn’t all that great. You saw a scared young woman. However, as the years went on, Ellen came into her own. And, she became the strong, independent, and beautiful woman we all knew up until her passing. I think I can speak for everyone when I say that Ellen will be missed. I want to thank you all for coming. I’ve made some refreshments and some tea. Please, feel free to indulge in what I have prepared. And, of course, let’s talk about Ellen. Let’s talk about what she meant to all of us. Let’s celebrate the life of this amazing woman.

As Susan smiles at everyone, she sets Ellen’s photo on the coffee table. The camera then pans to the photo and zooms in on it.
Image result for Ellen Stewart as the world turns

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 142***

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EP 171 - The Finale