Thursday, July 13, 2017

EP 98 - Betsy Revisits Her Past With Diana


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Maria Wagner


At the Mona Lisa, Iva and Grant are sitting at the bar. The bartender is refilling both of their drinking glasses. He then walks off.

GRANT: Now, Lucinda told me that you and her have quite the history.

IVA: That we do. I just don’t understand why you went out with her.

GRANT: Iva, I could never resist a beautiful woman. You know that.

IVA: Well, let me give you a warning. This is a woman that you might want to avoid. Trust me…, she is bad news.

At Brooklyn’s Apartment, Natalie is sitting on the couch. She is on her laptop, typing an essay. She is also having a glass of wine. Then, Brooklyn storms in. She slams the door. Natalie shuts her laptop,  puts it on the couch, and goes to Brooklyn.

NATALIE: Hey, is everything okay?

BROOKLYN: Everything is fine.

Natalie follows Brooklyn to the small apartment kitchen. Brooklyn gets a bottle of vodka from the fridge. She grabs a mug from the top of the fridge and pours the vodka into the mug. She then drinks it all.

NATALIE: Brooklyn, what is going on?

BROOKLYN: I said I was fine!

NATALIE: Obviously, you are not. What happened to you tonight?

At Emma’s Apartment, there is a loud knock at the door. Emma grabs her purse and keys, and goes to the door. Upon opening the door, Lisa barges in.

EMMA: (turning around) Lisa, for whatever reason you barged into my home, I don’t have time for it. I just found out that Lily may be missing. I have to head over to Lucinda’s.

LISA: I don’t give a damn. We need to talk.

EMMA: About what?

LISA: About you making our partnership go belly-up. It is time I get some damn answers. Do you understand me, Emma?

At FairWinds, Henry, Emily, Paul, and Barbara enter the living room. Emily wheels Paul in on a wheelchair. Henry and Barbara help Emily get Paul onto the couch.

EMILY: Thanks for helping, guys.

PAUL: Yeah. Thanks.

BARBARA: No problem, darling. Is there anything you need? Henry and I can run out and grab you a big burger.

PAUL: That sounds amazing. But, I’m fine.

HENRY: You sure?

PAUL: Yeah.

HENRY: Okay.

PAUL: In fact, there’s only one thing I want right now.

BARBARA: What is that?

PAUL: To be with my lovely wife.

Paul and Emily kiss.

At Betsy’s Penthouse, Betsy sets her keys and purse down on a table by the door. She then walks up to Steve and Diana.

STEVE: Honey, I thought you were helping Emily with Paul.

BETSY: Emily said I could go home. What’s going on here?


DIANA: Steve, let me explain. Betsy deserves to know the truth.

Back at FairWinds, Emily and Paul are snuggled on the couch.

EMILY: I’m glad they’re gone. Gives us some time.

PAUL: I’m glad they’re gone too. I missed you.

EMILY: Missed me? What do you mean?

PAUL: I’ve missed looking into those eyes.

EMILY: Well, looks like things are looking good for you. These eyes are here to stay. I am never leaving your side again.

PAUL: Do you promise?

EMILY: Yes, I do.

Emily kisses Paul.

Back at the Mona Lisa, Iva throws some money on the bar.

GRANT: So, why do you say Lucinda Walsh is bad news?

IVA: Grant, you’ve been in this town about 5 seconds. I’ve lived in this town for years. Yes, I took a break from Oakdale.. However, I’ve been back long enough to know that Lucinda hasn’t changed. She’s had more men in her life, than a prostitute sees in a year.

GRANT: Wow. Well, she sounds fun.

IVA: Please tell me you aren’t considering forging a relationship with her?

GRANT: I hate to tell you this, but I can’t wait to know the real Lucinda.

Back at Emma’s Apartment, Emma shuts the door.

EMMA: Lisa, I truly don’t have much time.

LISA: Okay. However, that won’t get you out of giving me an explanation.

EMMA: Lisa, it is very simple. I ran out of money. Things happen like that all the time. Not everyone can be as wealthy as you are.

LISA: Emma, I have bills to pay too. But, I still manage to keep my finances on track. You should’ve done that before you went into business with me.

EMMA: I know. And, I am deeply sorry.

LISA: I bet you are.

EMMA: Now, I have to go. Please, show yourself out.

Emma walks out of her apartment. She leaves the door open.

Back at Betsy’s Penthouse, Diana walks up to Betsy.

DIANA: Betsy, it has been a long time. The last time you saw me, I had to go into the WPP. However, I am out of that program. I came out for another impromptu sting operation. However, like the last one, it went wrong. So, I fled back here to Oakdale. I thought everything was fine. But, it is far from fine. I am being hunted. Steve is the person I knew that I could turn to.

BETSY: Diana, I don’t like you. And, after all you have done to me and Steve, how dare you come over here and ask for help.

DIANA: What I did is ancient history.

BETSY: That’s a load of bull, and you know it. You were so crazy for Steve that you let Craig kidnap my daughter Danni.

DIANA: But, I told you two right away.

BETSY: (laughs) Do you remember that time that you faked that episode of preeclampsia? That’s the only way the truth came out that your baby was Steve’s. But, you miscarried that child.

DIANA: Please, don’t talk about my child.

STEVE: Betsy, maybe you should stop.

BETSY: Why? Are the wounds opening again? Good. Now, take that grief and get the hell out of my house, you manipulative bitch!

Back at Brooklyn’s Apartment, Natalie is in the living room. Brooklyn is in the bathroom, taking a shower. Natalie gets her phone out. She dials and puts it to her ear.

WOMAN: (voice over) The person you are trying to reach is currently not accepting calls at this time. Please leave a message after the beep.

(beeping noise)

NATALIE: Hey, mom. It’s me. Look, I am going to be a little late to the party. I have to deal with something. All I’m going to tell you right now is this, I don’t think I can trust Brooklyn. Alright. Love you. Bye.

Natalie hangs up the phone. As she does so, another call comes in.

NATALIE: (answering) Hello. Hey, dad. Yeah, I’m at home. What’s up? I need to come to grandma’s? Why? Oh my god. Mom’s missing? I’ll be right there.

Natalie hangs up the phone. She collects her things and rushes out of her apartment. She shuts the door behind her. Then, Brooklyn walks into the living room. She is in a robe. She has a towel wrapped around her head. She then goes to the desk in the living room. She takes her hand under the desk and retrieves a burner phone. She dials and puts it up to her ear.

BROOKLYN: Hi, is this the 24 hour Oakdale florist? Good. I need an order of a dozen apricot roses. Name? Brooklyn Cummings.

The camera zooms in on Brooklyn’s face.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 98***

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EP 171 - The Finale