Thursday, December 22, 2016

EP 40 - Christmas Eve In Oakdale

Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Maria Wagner

At Memorial Hospital, the elevator doors ding open. Lucinda steps off the elevator and walks to room 412. She looks through the window. She sees Lily. Lily is laying down. Some of her bandages have been removed, as her skin continues to heal. Lucinda is deeps in her thoughts of what happened that day she married John.


Lucinda turns back with everyone else.



Lucinda manages to collect her thoughts. She lets out a sigh and goes into the room. Lily is sleeping. Lucinda grabs a stool and sits next to Lily.

LUCINDA: I’m here honey. You no longer need to worry. Merry Christmas, my darling.

At Rosanna’s Home, Rosanna comes down the stairs. She is a red, sparkly dress. She is putting on green earrings. There is a loud knocking out the door.

ROSANNA: Just a second!

Rosanna races to the door, as she puts her heels on.

ROSANNA: (opening the door) Carly…, what are you doing here?

CARLY: I’m here because we need to talk.

ROSANNA: About what?

CARLY: About you suing me. What the hell do you think you’re doing?

At Julian’s Apartment, Katie knocks on the door.

KATIE: Julian! Open up! I know you’re in there!

Julian opens the door.

JULIAN: Katie. Hi. What are you doing here?

KATIE: I’m here because I have a burning question to ask you.

JULIAN: Alright. What’s your burning question?

KATIE: Why did you lie to me?

At Bob and Kim’s Home, Bob, Kim, and Rita are in the dining room. They are halfway through their delicious pot roast dinner.

KIM: So, Rita, Bob tells me you two have known one another since medical school?

RITA: That is correct. I was here in Oakdale for quite sometime.

KIM: Why’d you move away?

RITA: I had an offer to teach the general surgery class at the University of Berkley. I taught there for about thirty five years.

KIM: That’s amazing. Do you miss it?

RITA: Everyday. However, I am enjoying retirement.

KIM: So is Bob.

BOB: Yes, I am. However, I know what Rita is talking about. It is hard not to be in the game anymore. But, it is nice to be home for dinner.

KIM: I enjoy having you home for dinner.

RITA: You two are so adorable together.

KIM: Oh, well thank you. Listen, I better go get the desserts.

RITA: Do you need any help?

KIM: Not at all. However, thank you for the gesture.

RITA: Of course.

Kim takes everyone's plates into the kitchen.

RITA: She is such a great wife to you.

BOB: She is.

RITA:  Listen, why she is away I better apologize to you.

BOB: For what?

RITA: For what I said earlier.

BOB: Rita, let’s not discuss that.

RITA: What you did was not good. However, I didn’t mean to remind you.

BOB: Well, you did. Now, enough on the subject!

RITA: Understood.
Before the tension gets too strong, Kim reenters the dining room. She sits everyone’s dessert in front of them. She then sits down next to Bob.

RITA: Kim, this cheesecake looks delicious.

BOB: Yes, darling. Yes, it does.

Rita and Bob glare at one another from across the table.

KIM: Is everything okay?

BOB: Yes. Everything is fine.

At the LakeView, in Iva’s suite, Iva walks into her room. She sets her things down on the bed. She sits on the bed and takes her heels off. Then, there is a knock at the door.

IVA: Coming!

Iva walks to the door.

IVA: Thank goodness you are here.

Diego enters the room with take out bags.

DIEGO: I take it you are happy to see me.

As Iva closes the door, Diego unpacks the take out bag. Iva goes to Diego and puts her arms around him. She then kisses him.

IVA: Very happy.

DIEGO: How was your day?

IVA: It was um…a hard day. A very hard day

DIEGO: What happened?

IVA: We happened.

DIEGO: What does that mean?

Back at Memorial Hospital, Lucinda takes Lily’s right hand. It is the only hand that isn’t bandaged, or no longer damaged.

LUCINDA: The tree at the mansion is stocked with present. Of course there is plenty for you. Everyone is coming to my home tomorrow for Christmas day. I wish you could be there. Everyone misses you. I miss you. We have so much to go over. We have family to talk about. We have business to talk about. Don’t even get me started on how much the kids miss you. (looking up) Please, God. Give us a Christmas miracle. Let my daughter come back to us.

A small tear strolls down Lucinda’s cheek. She kisses Lily’s hand.

LUCINDA: I love you. I love you very much.

Back at Rosanna’s Home, Carly and Rosanna walk into the living room.

CARLY: I can’t believe you are suing me.

ROSANNA: I can’t believe you had to come to me. I’m surprised that the delivery man still hasn’t given you the papers. Maybe it is because of the blizzard we had.

CARLY: Now’s not the time to try and be funny.

ROSANNA: Actually, I think it is.

CARLY: Rosanna, I get it.

ROSANNA: Do you?

CARLY: I hurt you. But, this isn’t the way to express your feelings.

ROSANNA: Don’t you dare! Don’t you dare try to tell me how to express my feelings! You broke the bond between us! The bond as sisters! I trusted you. You stomped all over that trust. You are such a whore!

CARLY: Rosanna…

ROSANNA: Don’t. Don’t try to justify anything. Don’t tell me that I am only saying these things in the heat of the moment. You always do this.

CARLY: Do what?

ROSANNA: You break people’s trust. Next thing you know, you expect them to forgive you. You were supposed to be on my side. Instead…

CARLY: I was drunk.

ROSANNA: That is no excuse! In fact, there is no excuse you could give to me.

CARLY: Rosanna, it’s Christmas.

ROSANNA: Don’t do that. Don’t be one of those people who believes that people are supposed to forgive betrayals, all because it is a holiday.

There is a short silence that falls.

ROSANNA: (sobbing) I don’t think you get it. I don’t think you understand how much you hurt me by sleeping with Craig. It hurt. It will always hurt me. This is the way I am dealing with it. Listen, I am spending Christmas with Will and Gwen. Hallie is coming home from college. I wanna see her. Tell the kids I’m sorry I won’t be there. Please leave, Carly. Please.

CARLY: (sighs) Okay. I can take a hint. Merry Christmas.

ROSANNA: Yeah. Whatever.

Carly shows her way out. As soon as Rosanna hears the door close, she collapses to the floor. She is a big ball of tears.

Back in Iva’s Suite, Iva and Diego are setting up to eat.

DIEGO: Was this a mistake? Going public?

IVA: (sighs) I don’t know. I mean, it’s been hard.

DIEGO: Iva, let’s sit down.

Iva and DIego sit on the bed.

DIEGO: We’ve been together for two months, now.

IVA: Yeah.

DIEGO: Well, was it a mistake?

IVA: No. I don’t think so. Do you?

DIEGO: Iva, you returned to town to get over your husband and get used to Oakdale life again. Maybe it isn’t time for us.

IVA: (standing) You don’t think it is our time?

DIEGO: Well… (standing) maybe it isn’t.

IVA: Are you breaking up with me just because a few people don’t like you?

DIEGO: I think we should just separate for awhile.

IVA: You sure know how to dump a girl. On Christmas Eve. This is great.

DIEGO: Should I go?

IVA: I think you should.

Iva and Diego walk to the door. Iva opens it. Diego steps into the hall.

DIEGO: Goodbye for now.

IVA: Goodbye.

Iva slams the door in Diego’s face.

IVA: Dammit!

Iva picks up a vase and throws it.

IVA: Dammit! Dammit! Dammit!

Back at Julian’s Apartment, Katie enters. Julian shuts the door.

JULIAN: Katie, what are you talking about.

KATIE: You know what I’m talking about.

JULIAN: I really don’t.

KATIE: Julian, I know that you didn’t exist until 2004. That is very odd, because you 42. I just want the truth. I just want you to tell me the truth.

JULIAN: Oh. I see. You found out my secret.

KATIE: I did. Just tell me why.

JULIAN: Katie, I honestly can’t do that.

KATIE: Why not?

JULIAN: I just can’t. I need you to respect that.

KATIE: Okay. Okay. You want me to respect that. I will. But, then I want you to respect something of mine.

JULIAN: Anything.

KATIE: Respect me as a single woman.

JULIAN: Excuse me?

KATIE: I don’t want any part of a relationship filled with lies. I’ve been through that many times. Not doing it again. Goodbye, Julian.

Katie shows herself out. Julian then gets his cell phone out.

JULIAN: (dialing/putting it up to his ear) Hey, it’s me. We need to move on our plan. We need to be ready to poison Oakdale on New Year's Eve. I messed up. Just deal with it.

Julian hangs up. He then goes to his bar cart, and throws everything off of it.


Back at Memorial Hospital, Lucinda is in the hospital chapel. She is on her knees, with her beads, praying.

LUCINDA: Take care of my daughter, Lord. Please, heal her.
In the hall of Oakdale Towers, Katie walks to the elevator. She is in tears. She presses the down button. The doors open, and she steps on the elevator.
Back in Iva’s Suite, Iva is laying down on the bed. She is curled up and crying.
At the Mona Lisa, Diego is having a drink at the bar.

DIEGO: Another one, please.

The bartender pours him another drink.
Back at Bob and Kim's Home, Bob is walking Rita to the door.

RITA: Thank you for a lovely dinner, Bob.

BOB: Yes, of course. Merry Christmas, Rita.

RITA: Merry Christmas.

Bob and Rita hug.

RITA: (whispering in Bob's ear) Don't worry. I truly won't let anyone know that you killed that little boy in medical school.

They come off the hug.

RITA: (smiling) Merry Christmas.

Rita leaves. Bob let's out a sigh, and goes up stairs.
Back at Rosanna’s Home, Rosanna is curled up on the floor. She has a fire lit. She is going through a box of photos. The photos of are her and Carly. She is burning them.
Back at Bob and Kim's Home, in Bob's Home Office, Bob pulls out an old newspaper clipping.

BOB: I never meant to hurt him.
In Carly’s Car, Carly is driving at a very fast speed. She is crying.

CARLY: You messed up Carly. You messed up bad.

Carly’s windshield begins to get frosted over at a quick rate.

CARLY: Come on! I can’t see anything!

Carly hits a patch of ice, and slides off the road.

The screen flashes. This signals that some time has passed by. The camera goes through the wreckage. The camera zooms in on the car.


***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 40***


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EP 171 - The Finale