Thursday, November 17, 2016

EP 32 - Faith Is Free!


Created By: Irna Phillips
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes
Directed By: Maria Wagner


At the Snyder Farm, Parker has just finished helping Carly, with the dishes. Carly is drying her hands, with a kitchen towel.

CARLY: (putting the towel down) Parker, Madison is your brother's girlfriend.

PARKER: I know.

CARLY: Then, why are you asking me this?

PARKER: Because, we love one another.

CARLY: Parker…

PARKER: Mom, in order for me to tell you why we are in love, I’m gonna have to be completely honest, with you.

CARLY: That’s what I expect from you, young man.

PARKER: Well, here’s the thing. You won’t exactly like, what I’m going to tell you.

At Holden and Lily’s Home, Faith is sitting on the couch, on her IPAD. Holden comes down the stairs and goes to her.

Jessica_Lowndes_24.jpgFAITH: Hey, when is Jack supposed to be here?

HOLDEN: Soon, honey.

FAITH: Can’t be soon enough.

Then, there is a knock at the door.

HOLDEN: Ask, and you shall receive.

Holden walks to the door. Upon opening it, Jack barges in.

FAITH: (standing) Hey, Jack.

HOLDEN: Nice to see you, too.

JACK: This is urgent. You’re not gonna believe this.

FAITH: Is this about Justin?

JACK: Yeah.

HOLDEN: Jack, what’s up?

JACK: He’s dead.

At Ruffles Bar, Rosanna is sitting at a booth. She is having a martini, and looking over charts, from CT Designs. As she continues to drink, Dusty enters. He spots Rosanna and goes to her.



DUSTY: (sitting) I see you are enjoying work.

ROSANNA: Sure. I always enjoy work. You know me.

DUSTY: So, what are you looking at? Can you tell me?

ROSANNA: Well, it’s gonna probably be Emily’s next exclusive. So, sure.

DUSTY: What would Emily cover, involving you??

ROSANNA: Me suing Carly, for her shares of CT Designs.
At the Murphy Family Farm, Madison and JJ get out of the car.

MADISON: So, you ready for this?

JJ: Madison…


JJ: There’s something I have to say.


Daniel+Manche+Jug+Face+Portraits+2013+Sundance+AdizaGpUM5pl.jpgJJ: I don’t think, I can do this.

MADISON: Oh, come on! Don’t be a baby, about it.

JJ: Madison…


JJ: I don’t condone sex, outside of marriage.

MADISON: God, I should've just stuck around, with your brother.

JJ: What did you just say?

MADISON: Oh, you heard me.

JJ: Yeah, I heard you. I’m just not following.

MADISON: Open your eyes! Your brother and I, have had sex.

At the Oakdale University Library, Natalie and her friend, Brooklyn, are studying. They are also splitting a small snack, from Brooklyn's lunchbox.

NATALIE: Did you get a negative one, for number two?

BROOKLYN: I got negative three.

NATALIE: Really?

BROOKLYN: Yeah. Because you have to plug five into “x”.

NATALIE: Oh, shoot. I did four.

BROOKLYN: It’s okay. It happens.

As Faith and Brooklyn continue, Brooklyn's phone makes a dinging noise.

BROOKLYN: (peeking at her phone) Oh. Excuse me.

Brooklyn replies to a text message, then shuts her phone off.

NATALIE: Who was that? A boy?

BROOKLYN: Actually, no.

NATALIE: Your dad?

BROOKLYN: It was a girl. My girlfriend, Ashlee.

Back at the Snyder Farm, Carly and Parker are now in the living room. They are both sitting down, on the couch.

CARLY: (sighs) Alright. Hit me. What’s the truth?

PARKER: Madison and I had sex.

CARLY: Okay. That’s not that bad. I mean, it’s bad. But, it isn’t that bad. Anyways, did you get her pregnant? Is Madison, pregnant?

PARKER: No. She is not. No.

CARLY: Okay.

A short silence falls across the room.

PARKER: What are you thinking, mom?

CARLY: I'm thinking of how to tell your brother.

PARKER: Are you crazy? Can't we tell him?

CARLY: Parker, we have no choice. He deserves to know. I of all people know what this type of thing, can do to a sibling relationship.

PARKER: What does that mean?

CARLY: Never mind. This isn’t about me. It is about you. I’m not going to tell your brother, about this.

PARKER: Thank you.

CARLY: Don’t thank me, quite yet.

PARKER: Why not?

CARLY: I’m not telling your brother because you are.

Back at Ruffles, Rosanna packs up her files.

DUSTY: You’re suing Carly?

ROSANNA: You bet your ass, I am.


ROSANNA: Because, she slept with Craig. This is my revenge.

DUSTY: Oh, you know?

ROSANNA: What do you mean by that, Dusty? Of course, I know.

DUSTY: I was…

ROSANNA: Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Did you know this, before me?

DUSTY: (sighs) Yes.

ROSANNA: You bastard.

Rosanna stands, enraged. She grabs her purse and keys. Dusty stands, as well.

DUSTY: Rosanna, please.

ROSANNA: No! No! You are supposed to be my friend! Has everyone turned their backs on me, in favor of my sister? Is that how this town works?


ROSANNA: Well, it appears that way. Thanks for nothing, Dusty.

Rosanna walks off. Dusty sighs.

Back at the Murphy Family Farm, Madison puts the condom, back in her purse.

JJ: Are you telling me, that Parker and you, have…

MADISON: Had sex? Yeah, JJ. I kinda said that, point blank.

JJ: What the hell?

MADISON: I’m sorry.

JJ: I thought that we were becoming…

MADISON: An item.

JJ: Yeah.

MADISON: Should’ve got to me sooner.

JJ: I came to him, for dating advice.

MADISON: I actually feel sorry, for you. How Parker treated you, wasn’t cool. Not too mention, how I treated you.

JJ: Yeah. Both kinda...bad.

MADISON: (sighs) Maybe, we should go to our homes?

JJ: Before we get back into the car, do you have cell service?

Madison takes her phone, out from her purse. She turns it on.


JJ: Good.


JJ gets in his car and rolls down his window.

JJ: Find your own ride home.

JJ drives off.

MADISON: JJ! JJ! JJ! Dammit!

Back at the Oakdale U Library, Natalie shuts her binder and puts it into her purse.

NATALIE: I had no idea that you had a girlfriend.

BROOKLYN: Not too many people do. Many think that I am still dating, Oscar.

NATALIE: That’s what I thought. (laughs) But, this is cool.

BROOKLYN: Love is love.

NATALIE: Amen to that.

BROOKLYN: So, do you wanna grab a drink?

NATALIE: Are you sure that you don’t have to get back to the future Mrs. Richards?

BROOKLYN: (laughs) We’ve been together for one month.

NATALIE: Things move fast, in this town.

BROOKLYN: True. Anyways, about that drink…?

NATALIE: Sure. Let’s do it.

Brooklyn and Natalie grab their things and walk out of the library.

Back at Holden and Lily’s Home, Faith walks around, as Holden and Jack talk.

HOLDEN: What do you mean, he’s dead?

JACK: He’s dead, Holden. I got there, and met with the police department, in Justin’s town. We went to Justin’s home. We knocked several times. He didn’t answer. We kicked down Justin’s door. Once inside, we saw that he had hung himself. He left a note. The note detailed that he was done running.

HOLDEN: (sighs) Wow. Wow. What a coward.

Holden then looks over, at Faith.

HOLDEN: Honey, are you okay?

FAITH: Believe it or not, I am.

JACK: Are you sure?

HOLDEN: We would understand, if you weren’t.

JACK: Anyone would.

HOLDEN: You can talk to us.

JACK: We can call, Margo.

FAITH: That’s fine. I don’t need anyone.

HOLDEN: Are you sure?

JACK: You can be honest.

Faith stops her pacing, and face Holden and Jack.

FAITH: I’m finally free. (sighs) I’m free. This is finally over. I’m actually free, of this.

The camera zooms in, on Faith’s face.


***FADE OUT***

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EP 171 - The Finale